Rivals, Gather!

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It was finally the Chunin Exams, me, my sister and Mitsuki were now in front of Boruto's home, waiting for him. After a minute we finally heard the front door opening and saw Boruto leaving. On his face surprise that quickly changed into a smirk. I softly smiled while he went towards us.

"Okay, i'll be going, ya know!" He said to his Mom and Himawari.

"Bye!" They waved to us. Me, Sarada and Boruto waved back to them and then went towards our destination.


Our team arrived at the village gates where the ceremony opening is supposed to be. As we walked we saw a lot of ninjas already there from different villages. We immediately noticed Chocho, Shikadai and Inojin.

"Hey!" Welcomed them Boruto with a wide smile, confidence clearly showing on his face.

"Heee, you look like you're ready to go." Stated Inojin.

"What happened?" Asked Chocho after him. "Until recently, you were sounding like Shikadai , saying how it was gonna be a drag..."

"Right? I don't know what caused the change of heart." Said Sarada.

"I told you! I'll show everyone the fruits of my training." Told us Boruto and didn't notice him secretly looking at me.

"I see." Said amused Shikadai, noticing this.

"Looks like everyone else is here too." Exclaimed Mitsuki and we saw Metal's team and Sumire's.

"Hey!" Shouted Iwabe.

"Let's all do our best!" Said Denki.

"None of them seem like they're too eager." Stated Inojin while observing other teams from different villages.

"You can't really tell just by looking at them." Told him Shikadai.

"Oh, all three of them have the same face!" Chocho gasped.

"They're from the Hidden Mist. Their names are...Takanami, Sazanami and Makanami Senka..." Told us Sumire.

"Triplets?" Asked Wasabi. "I wonder what kind of Ninja Arts they use?"

"They look super strong! Do you even think we can win?" Metal panicked.

"Calm down! Compared to the guys we've had to fight up to now, they're nothing." Told him Boruto while put his hand on his shoulder.

"Damn it, he always gets so carried away!" Commented irritated my sister while I nervously laughed.

I suddenly stopped laughing when I could feel someone staring at me. I turned my head to see a boy with brown hair, on his face a red face paint that formed two markings. His body covered by a large black coat with a fur collar, that was made of Iron Sand?

'Huh? Interesting.'

I softly smiled at him, he seeing this quickly turned around and went towards the gate.


We were now standing in front of the stage on which Shikadai's dad was opening the ceremony. A four other ninjas behind him.

"Okay! Looks like everyone is here. We will now begin the first Chunin Exams of the Five Allied Villages!" Announced Mr. Shikamaru and everyone clapped.

"As you all know, this is the first selection exam in history sponsored by all five villages. The Hidden Leaf. The Hidden Cloud. The Hidden Mist. The Hidden Stone. And the Hidden Sand. At this time, you are all getting the rare opportunity to fight against ninja from other villages. This is your chance to use the jutsu that you're proud of!" He said and got confused by seeing no reaction from us. "Everyone, i ask you to freely demonstrate the fruits of your training!" Everyone cheered a little by this. "Exam One will begin promptly at noon in Exam Venue A. Until then, the time is yours. Use that time to rest or train! Dismissed!"

Two Different Worlds Boruto x Male ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu