The Otsutsuki Invasion

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"What is that?"

'W-who are they?'

We saw the white creatures slowly coming down until they landed a few feet away from the Hokage and Boruto. The smaller one jumped of the other one's shoulder. Everybody started panicking.

"Are you related to Kaguya Otsutsuki?!" Asked the Seventh.

"There are too many vulgar creatures in the way." The smaller one said to the other one.

"Shall we clean the are first?" The bigger one asked him.


"Hey, hey! Who are you guys?! You're barging in on my time..." Started saying Mr. Katasuke while slowly walking to them.

"Stop! Don't get close!" Lord Seventh warned him.

We saw on the bigger's one hand five balls of the chakra on each finger. With that he hit the ground which made the Hokage, Boruto, Mr. Lee, Mr. Katasuke and his employees flew away. The whole stadium shaking and the ground cracking.

"Who are they?!"

"W-what's happening anyway?!"

"The Chunin Exams are ruined!"

I heard people panick as we saw the bleachers and the rooftops above them slowly cracking.
Suddenly one of the towers fell down after that the rooftops also started falling down.

Mitsuki, me and the other ninjas helping citizens to escape safely.

"M-mitsuki! H-have you seen Sarada?" I asked him.

"No, sorry." He answered.

'Where is she?'

I went to look for her when suddenly a big shadow appeared from above. I turned around to see the bigger one from The Otsutsuki's attacking me.


Before the creature could hit me, I felt someone grabbing me.

"Dad!" We landed on the ground, the creature landing behind us.

"Don't lay a hand on my son. Or would you like me to shorten that horn of yours?" Told him Dad.

"That smart mouth of yours...let me silence it forever!" He said and went to strike at us. Dad quickly grabbed me again and dodged his attacks. Suddenly he stopped moving and Dad jumped away to the Lord Hokage and Boruto.

"Boruto! A-are you alright?" I asked him.

"W-what about you?"

I saw that the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu was used on the attackers by Mr. Shikamaru.

"How trivial..." said the smaller one and we saw the eye in his hand absorbing the jutsu.


"Sir!" The bigger one said and started floating towards the sky.

"Naruto, these are the guys. Kaguya's scroll had an entry about their arrival." Said my Dad.

"The ones Kagura was creating White Zetsu in preparation for?" Asked the Seventh. "Yeah. Their objective is the Chakra Fruit. In other words, the Tailed Beast Chakra, Kurama inside you."

The bigger one named Kinshiki came back and stood next to the small one.

"You know that much? I am Momoshiki Otsutsuki. I belong to the same Otsutsuki Clan as Kaguya." Told us the smaller one. "And I am his guardian Kinshiki Otsutsuki." Said after him the bigger one.

"What do you want?" Asked the Hokage.

"You. You have the strongest chakra in this seedbed. If we harvest it from you, we can replant the Divine Tree." Told him Momoshiki.

"The Divine Tree?!"

"Yes. Our mission is to redo Kaguya's work. Recover the scattered chakra for the Chakra Fruit, and revive the Divine Tree!"

"The Divine Tree...that legendary tree which was the source of power for Kaguya Otsutsuki, the founder of all shinobi." Said Dad.

"Kaguya...the one that obtained the Chakra Fruit from the Divine Tree and created shinobi? The tree was lost for the eternity. That's what i've heard..." i said now standing with Boruto behind Dad and Lord Seventh.

"That's right. And what will you do by resurrecting that legend, Otsutsuki?" Asked him Dad.

"Isn't it obvious? We will yield pills from all the chakra we gather." Told him Momoshiki.

"Perpetual youth and longevity, supernatural phenomena...all of it can be acquired by ingesting the pills." Continued Kinshiki.

"So, it's like medicine." Stated Lord Seventh.

"You catch on quickly. Then you understand how remarkable these are." Said Kinshiki.

"As long as we have this pills, one can instantly and effortlessly acquire true power." Momoshiki showed us the red pill in his hand.

"Simply put, you're cowards who really on doping! You're just being controlled by tools and drugs! That's not true power!" Shouted Lord Seventh. In the corner of my eye i saw Boruto looking at his Ninja Tool.

"Did you's not real power?" Asked Kinshiki.

"Hmph! They're just vulgar creatures, after all. Nothing more than fodder for us Otsutsuki. Come, Kinshiki!" Said Momoshiki and flew away, Kinshiki doing the same.

They were now floating above us. We saw Momoshiki swallow the pill and with that he opened his hand and formed a huge purple chakra. Fire, water, earth and lightning circling around it.


"Takami Musubinokami! This allows to amplify all the jutsu I've absorbed for a counterattack." With that more appeared above us. I looked at it terrified. I saw Boruto making a clone that stood in front of me with Boruto.

"B-boruto?" I looked at him shocked.

"It's all my fault! That's why-! That's why..." He stared saying but didn't finish.

Momoshiki threw at us the Fire Jutsu which made half of the stadium get destroyed. We saw Lord Seventh in his Beast Mode and his clones. Each one of them protected the citizens from the attack including us.

"It's so much!" I exclaimed.

"W-what's all of this?" I heard Boruto ask.

Seeing this Momoshiki attacked with other jutsus. Lord Seventh trying to protect us from each one of them.

"Use my chakra too! If they get you, it's all over." Told him my dad. With that Dad's Susuano appeared.

"How long will you last?!" Shouted Momoshiki, not even for a minute he didn't stop throwing the Jutsus at us.

Every each of the four elements circling around, making at the same time a huge wind.
I heard Dad's Susano slowly cracking while i was now sitting on the ground, covering my face from the wind. Boruto stood before me, his clone disappeared by now. Suddenly the wind stopped.

"I'm amazed you endured this far." Momoshiki laughed and ate more pills. He now formed a dark purple chakra that was the size of a planet.

"With this, it's all over!" He shouted and throw it at us.

"Sasuke...take care of the kids." I heard Lord Seventh say. "Understood."

"Dad?" Boruto said as we looked at them worried.

"All right, let's do this, Kurama! You'd better not be out of shape now!" Shouted Lord Seventh and with that his chakra extended, trying to stop the Momoshiki's jutsu.

Lord Seventh chakra now looked like a huge fox. The fox opened his mouth and there was a purple ball of chakra forming but he suddenly closed his mouth.

"Why doesn't Dad attack?" Boruto asked.

"Naruto could easily obliterate that projectile if he wanted to...but it would take out the surrounding area too." Told him my Dad as he was now standing in front of us.

"Dad!" I heard Boruto scream.

And with that I felt a strong wind pushing us away.

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