My Story!

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After a long time of waiting we finally saw them coming back with Lord Seventh. Immediately at the sight of her husband Boruto's mom went to hug him and her son. Himawari doing the same. Me, Sarada and my mom aslo went to hug Dad.

"Welcome back, Dad!"
"Welcome back."


After this wole accident, the village was being rebuilt. Things was slowly returning back to normal. Boruto and his Dad was finally getting along after they realized their mistakes.

Me, Sarada were walking with now completely healed Mitsuki next to train station where we saw Boruto apologizing to Shinki's team.

"Are you going around and apologizing to everyone?" Asked my sister out loud amused.

"What, you guys?" He turned to us. "If you're gonna make fun of me, go home."

"The exams were canceled, so maybe you should just forget it." Told him Mitsuki.

"This is my way of taking responsibility for everything."

"Well, it was your fault to begin with." My sister pointed a finger at him.

"Shut up! That's why I'm apologizing." He got irritated for a second and then looked down, ashamed. "Besides i have two more people to apologize to." He added and in the corner of my eye I saw him looking at me. I averted my eyes from his stare. I noticed Sarada and Mitsuki walking away from us.

"I'm sorry for this Ninja Tool, i know you were the only one that really believed in me. I'm sorry that i let you down." He said to me while bowing down.

"Y-you don't h-have to b-bow down." I stuttered with red cheeks.

"No i have to, i have failed you and your trust. So I'm deeply sorry." He continued.

"Boruto." I softly smiled." Please get up." I told him and he slowly straighten up, our eyes meeting. "It's okay, you just wanted to impress your dad, unfortunately by cheating, but the most important thing is that you learned your lesson. So don't do it ever again." I saw him smiling at me.

"I promise I won't do it again. You have my word." He said to me with a wide smile.

"And I would never stop believing in you." He got shocked a little by this but after a few seconds he smiled at me again.

"Thank you."


We were now inside the building where we usually get our missions. Iwabe's team next to us.

"We've been so busy since the exams were canceled...I haven't been able to take a break." Told us Iwabe.

"After that incident, there's a lot of cleaning up to do, as well as a lot of other little missions." Denki continued after him.

"Since we're pros at public works!" Added Metal.

"Don't go saying misleading things." Scolded him Iwabe.

"Mitsuki, are you feeling better?" Asked him Metal.

"Yes, i'm okay now."

"Thank goodness! You were hurt so badly, we were worried you weren't going to make it." Denki said to him.

"Back then, i infused more chakra than usual. That's why I sustained greater damage." He told us.

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Yes. It was a good think my parent made me strong! That's what saved me."

"Your...parent?" Asked Metal.

"Uh, yeah."

"Oh man, i'm tired! Just how many missions do we have to go on? What a drag." We heard Shikadai's voice and saw his team on escalator.

"Well, it's all because somebody did too well at the Chunin Exams." Said to him Inojin.

"Shut up...I gotta try hard sometimes, or my old man will lose face. And I don't want to lose to Boruto." Shikadai said when they got off the escalator and now where walking next to us. Shikadai noticing Boruto stopped and looked at him surprised.

'Awkward.' I nervously smiled.

We watched as they looked at each other and after a minute decided for a walk together.


A few days passed as our team were now standing at the top of Hokage's Stone Faces. In the background we heard Boruto's interwiev playing.

"How come you're acting like you're the spokesperson for all of us?" Asked him my sister with folded arms.

"I was interviewed too, though." Mitsuki told us.

"I don't know! I just answered the questions, is all." Boruto said.

"Honestly, you're so glib...I'm surprised you didn't drag down my dad and the others."

"Sarada!" I whisper-yelled at my sister.

"I'm just competent! He told her.

"I should've tagged along, after all." Sighed my sister.

"Yeah." I agreed with her.

"Actually, you are pretty amazing. You truly are the grandson of Lord Fourth and the son of Lord Seventh." Praised him Mitsuki. Boruto smirked at this.

"Eventually, you'll-" however Mistuki was cut off by Sarada.

"Hey, Boruto...don't you really wanna be the Hokage?"

"Being the Hokage..." we all looked at him. "Isn't for me!"

"Huh?" Me and my twin looking at him stunned.

"You're gonna become the Hokage, right? Then I'll be your right-hand man and work hard to protect you and your brother!" He told her.

"H-huh?" I saw Sarada getting flustered while Boruto walked away a little from us. I chuckled at them with red cheeks.

"Being Hokage is just one track to me. Just because my grandpa and dad were Hokage, doesn't mean i have to walk that path too. What I'm aiming to become a shinobi like your Dad!" He told us and me with Sarada went to stand next to him. Sarada looked at him with surprise while i was softly smiling at him.

"I...i've got my own Ninja Way." He continued with his fist raised.

"Huh? What?" He asked when he noticed Sarada staring at him. "Do i  have something on my face?"

"Huh? W-what? N-no, not really. It's oh, i was just thinking your eyes...are much bluer than Lord Seventh's." My sister stuttered and I laughed at her.


"(M/n) and I were just talking about that earlier!" She suddenly exclaimed.

"H-huh?!" I panicked when i heard this. "T-that was supposed to be between us." I whisper-yelled at her. I saw her looking at me apologetically. I didn't notice Boruto blushing by hearing this.

"I-i g-gotta go." I said and with that i left.

"Y-yeah, me to." Said my sister and followed me.

"H-hey!" I heard Boruto shout.

"Why did you say that?!" I asked her when I didn't see Boruto in the sight anymore.

"Sorry! I panicked okay! I didn't say it was mainly you talking about his eyes." My sister said.

"S-sarada!" I got embarrassed.

"It's okay." She chuckled at me. "What do you think about training together hmm? As a sorry."

"Really?! Okay, let's go." She laughed at me and with that we went towards the training area.

'Finally, everything is back to normal.'

Two Different Worlds Boruto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now