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All of the villagers were in shelters waiting in silence for some news. Sarada and Mitsuki stood beside me. My worries about Boruto and others increasing. Suddenly we heard someone running towards the door. Everyone became on alert. The door of the shelter opened and we saw Leaf's Village ninja.

"Lord Seventh and the others came back! They defeated the enemy!" He informed us and all of us screamed in happiness. Me, Sarada and Mitsuki grinned at each other. "Let's go find them! See if Dad is okay!" Sarada exclaimed excitedly and with that we exited the shelter with other villagers.

'I'm so glad.'


The sun was setting when we finally found Lord Seventh, my Dad, Boruto and Kawaki on the rooftop of The Hokage's tower.

"Young Lord!" Mr. Katasuke screamed, who with Mr. Shikamaru And Sumire joined us to find them. "Hey, everyone!" Lord Seventh welcomed us. We walked towards them with smiles on our faces. "It looks like you did it!" Mitsuki said and we stopped in front of them. Boruto at the sight of us, stood up and came closer to be in front of us. "Yeah...but..." Boruto trailed off.

"Dad, what happened to your eye?!" I heard Sarada ask and looked at my Dad. I saw Dad's eye, where Rinnegan was, was now gone. I gasped at this, me and Sarada stared at him worriedly. "It's my fault." Boruto said to us and saw him staring at me with sad eyes. "You can punch me until you feel better."

"W-what?" I looked at him confused. "You did that, Boruto?!" Sarada asked him. "If I hadn't tagged along, this wouldn't have happened...and Mr. Sasuke would still have his eye!" Boruto closed his eyes while saying that.

"Boruto...we don't know what happened but we know it's not your fault." I reassured him, Boruto looked at me shocked by this. "So don't blame yourself, okay." I smiled at him softly and my sister beside me nodded, agreeing with me.

"(M/n)..." Boruto stared at me, stunned by my words. "That's right, Boruto. If you weren't there, I would have died." My Dad chimed in. "Mr. Sasuke!" Boruto exclaimed surprised. "The fact that we're alive and victorious is fortunate. Don't blame yourself." Dad told him.
"Also, this sort of thing happens when shinobi go into battle. My mom, me and my brother were prepared for this." Sarada added while I nodded and smiled at him reassuringly as he looked at me skeptically. "Sorry." he said to us.

"Let's head back..." Dad turned to me and my sister. " Sakura." We smiled at him and nodded. "Okay!"

"I know you just went through a lot, but once you're done getting treated. I'd like to hear a detailed report on what happened." Mr. Shikamaru said to Lord Seventh.

"Okay, got it."


A few days later me, my sister, Sumire and Chocho's team were in Flash Burger. The girls and me were sitting in the booth while Shikadai and Inojin were sitting in the booth that was in front of us. All of us were watching Boruto's interview on TV.

"There's no need to be modest. You practically saved the village!" The interviewer said to Boruto. "Uh, it really wasn't all that, ya know." Boruto chuckled nervously. "Let's applaud Boruto Uzumaki, the little hero who saved the village from the Otsutsuki!"

"Wow..."Boruto sheepishly scratched the back of his head and then laughed. "I don't know what to say."

I smiled softly at this while my sister looked annoyed. "What's with Boruto? He's being so sloppy just because he got on TV and is getting flattered..." Saraida said irritated. "Aw, cut him some slack. He can't just come out with what really happened." Shikadai defended Boruto. "Well, if it puts the villagers at ease, what's the harm?" Inojin asked.

"Sure, I get that, but..." Sarada said with still annoyed tone. I softly giggled at this. "It's all good though, right? He's on TV and he gets to be famous. How great is that?" Chocho exclaimed excitedly. "It must be nice to be so carefree." Inojin sweat dropped. "Excuse me, i do care about things! Like how I'll appear on camera or how my makeup looks!" Chocho told him angrily.

Sarada laughed at this while I stared at Boruto on TV with worried eyes. My sister stopped laughing when she noticed me not paying attention to them. "What's the matter, (m/n)?"

"Hmm?" I looked at her and noticed that she was staring me with concern. "O-oh well.." i moved my head to look back at TV. "I-i was worried t-that B-boruto might be p-punishing himself too much."

"Punishing himself?" My twin asked me.

"'s just the feeling that i-i g-get." I told her, still staring at Boruto. "You watch Boruto quite closely, don't you, (m/n)?" Chocho moved her gaze from TV back at me. "H-huh?!" I looked at her shocked. "W-what?! T-that's not t-true!" I shouted, my face getting red. Sarada chuckled at this.

Suddenly we saw Mitsuki walking towards our table which gave me a moment to calm down. "So this is where you two where, Sarada, (m/n)." He said to us.

"Mitsuki!" Sarada said while i smiled at him. "To tell you the truth, Mr. Shikamaru told me something earlier." We looked at him confused.


I followed after my sister and Mitsuki where Boruto currently was. Worry written on my face, not knowing what my sister will do after receiving the news from Mitsuki. We walked towards the gate from which we saw Boruto getting out. He looked at us surprised and we stopped in front of him. I stood next to my sister to see anger on her face.

"What are you guys doing here?" Boruto asked as i smiled at him nervously. "Don't give me that, damn it!" My sister shouted at him. Boruto looked at her shocked and backed away a little from her. "Huh?"

"Team Seven has been banned from taking on missions for the time being!" Sarada yelled out.

"Huh?" Boruto blinked a couple times, having no idea what's going on. I stared awkwardly to the side.


Team 7 was now on the bridge in the center of Konoha. Boruto was leaning on the pillar with his back to us while Mitsuki, me and Sarada were standing a little bit behind him. "We're suspended from taking on missions until we find a way to deal with the Karma? Mr. Shikamaru is overreacting." Boruto commented. "Overreacting? Do you understand how serious this is?" My sister asked him and came closer to him. "Something could happen with that Karma at any time, right?"

"If someone sees it going out of control during a mission, the village would be in a panic." Mitsuki added.

"That may be true, but..." Boruto started saying but my sister cut him off. "Honestly, this is your fault for getting carried away and appearing on TV." Sarada told him with a smirk while I giggled softly at this. Boruto panicked at this and faced us. "Should i not have done that?"

"People's emotions can turn in an instant. The bigger the hero, the bigger the outcry when you fall." Mitsuki said to Boruto who closed his eyes with his head down. "I's tough being popular, isn't it?" Boruto smirked and looked to the side. I giggled at him, Boruto hearing this looked at me with red cheeks and softly smiled at me. Suddenly his face turned to serious, this made me look at him confused.

"Listen, stop being so flippant-" Sarada tried to scold him when Boruto suddenly bend down. "Sorry, Sarada, Mitsuki and (m/n), for getting you all involved in my situation."

"What?" We looked at him surprised.

"B-boruto, i-it is not you fault. T-there's nothing you can do about it, about the K-karma." I told him softly and Boruto straightened up. "The four of us are Team Seven, after all." Mitsuki said to him.

"I'll make it up to you guys someday." Boruto turned to the side and started walking away while waving.

"O-okay." My sister said as we stared at him confused. "A-are y-you alright?" I asked him. "What do you mean? See you later!" With that he walkey away from us.

"Hey!" Sarada yelled after him as I stared at him concerned.


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