The Flower Vase

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It's been a few days since the Hokage decided that the boy will be living with him. From what I heard from Boruto is that he's the pain in know. Still I believe that they will be a great team.

At the moment me and Sarada were now with Chocho, buying taiyaki for her and her dad. Poor Chocho couldn't decide which flavor to choose.

"Oh, which one should i get?!" Chocho swayed side to side. Me and my sister sweatdropped a little. „Chunky red bean jam, smooth red bean jam, chocolate and custard! It's been such a while since I've had them..." She stared at the food. "I honestly don't know which one to get!" Chocho put her hands on her hips and closed her eyes.

"Chocho, you say that, but you always end up getting red bean jam in the end." My sister said to her while I softly chuckled at my friend's behavior.

"That's true, but my dad asked me to get some for him to,so..." Chocho smiled at Sarada.

"Oh, okay."

"Hmm..." and with that Choco return to staring at the food.

"Oh, Lord Seventh?!" I heard Sarada say which made me look up. There we saw our Hokage walking towards us.

"Hey, Sarada, (m/n) and Chocho!" He welcomed us.

'Hm? But where is the boy? Isn't he supposed be with the Hokage?'

"It's so unusual running into you here around this time, Lord Seventh!" Sarada told him.

„Yeah, well..." He turned to the right and relieved the boy that my team found, who was slowly walking towards us.


The boy's and mine eyes met and I noticed that they widened a little at my sight. I softly smiled at him but he quickly averted his eyes away.

"Hey, hey..." Chocho elbowed softly my sister. "Hmm?" I saw Chocho whispering something to my sister. Sarada nodded and then Chocho looked back at Lord Seventh.

"Oh! Lords Seventh, why don't you get some taiyaki too!"

"Oh yeah, i heard the taiyaki here are good." Lord Seventh walked to the booth to look at the food.

"They're really good!" Sarada confirmed.

"All right, it's my treat! Everyone, pick whatever you want."

"All right! You're the best, Lord Seventh!" Chocho fist bumped the air and with that the four of us looked again at the food to pick a flavor.

"Hey Mister, i'll have one with chunky red bean jam!" The Hokage said to the worker.

"Sure thing!"

I looked towards the boy to see him just staring at us. Our eyes met again and he immediately looked somewhere else. I giggled a little at this and went back to choosing the flavor.

"Oh, I really don't know which one to choose! I just can't pick one out of all these!" Chocho complained.

"Don't hold back. You can choose as many as you want." Lord Seventh reassured her.

"Really?!" Chocho looked at him with stars in her eyes. "In that case, i'll take you up on your offer!" She turned towards the worker. "I'd like the chunky red bean jam, the smooth red bean jam, the chocolate and the custard! Would you also happen to have the Neapolitan taiyaki..."

"You choose one too, Kawaki." The Hokage turned to the boy.

'So his name is Kawaki...nice.'

"Oh, just give me all of them." I heard Chocho say.

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