Fourmation of the Four-Man Squad?

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Today we're gonna find out with who we will be in squads. Wow time really flies fast, not long time ago we were starting school and now we are genins. I must say I'm nervous i mean what if My sister and I will be separated.

After preparing myself I entered our kitchen where i saw my sister and mom.

"I can't believe you're genins now! Wow not long time ago you two were crawling!" Said Mom

"Time flies fast." Chuckled Sarada

"Yeah." I agreed

"Okay we're gonna go." Said Sarada after a minute

"Okay, be careful." Told us Mom as we left

"I must say, i'm kinda excited i'm a step ahead to become a Hokage." Exclaimed Sarada

"Yeah, i know you can do it." I told her while nervously playing with my fingers

"Hm? What's wrong ? You seem nervous." She asked me

I suddenly stopped, Sarada noticing it, stopped a few steps before me.


"W-what...what if w-we end up in different squads? We've never been separated." I looked up at her worried. She softly smiled at me and walked towards me.

"(M/n) nothing will separate us, ever and if they put us in a different squad, I'll make them change the squads so we can be together, okay?" She reassured me

"Okay." We softly smiled at each other and continued walking towards the Academy.


Me and my sister finally reached our destination and went straight to the class where we saw our classmates. We went to stand next to Chocho and waited for Shino Sensei.

"Hey, hey Sarada, (m/n), what team do you think we'll be on?" Asked us Chocho while putting her hands on our shoulders.

"You know...we don't even know if we'll be on the same team." Told her nervously Sarada.

"But we're so in tune with each other. There's no way we'll be separated!" Said Chocho while letting us go.

"But Chocho, what about your legendary..." Sarada started saying but was cut off by Boruto.

"That would be interesting! If that's the case, Shikadai, let's team up." He said while touching Shikadai's shoulder which made him look at Boruto.

"Listen, the Sensei are the ones who will decide. Anyway, i'd hate to be teamed with someone who leaves everything up to chance, like you. You always act without a plan for success." Told him Sarada

"S-sarada that's not nice." I said to my sister while standing next to her. We saw Boruto nearing his face to hers.

"Haven't you ever heard the phrase, "playing it by ear"?" He asked her. She immediately put her hand on his face and pushed it back

"You're too're spit's flying."

"S-sarada!" I scolded quietly my sister, making her look at me. Immediately seeing her annoyed face we changed our spots.

"S-sorry, Boruto-kun." I apologized while now standing in front of him with flushed face. I saw him softly smiling at me.

"What will be, will be. You just have to stand ready for it." Said Iwabe from behind Boruto

"Sensei's here!"
Shouted our classmate

"W-we've been waiting for you!" Shouted Iwabe, immediately standing and at the same pushing Boruto directly towards me which end up with us kissing. Me and Boruto stared at each other with wide eyes, i could literally feel that my face is like tomato. Suddenly I didn't feel Boruto's lips anymore, his face now met with my sister's foot.

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