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Lloyd was walking through the bounty knowing that he had the best family/friends he could've ever asked for . They were always there for him and vice versa tho it was the former most of the time .

He passed by the sleeping quaters and made out a few mumbles .

Kai," guhhh why do we need to treat him nicely like explain it to me . The prophecy is over and have you noticed since we met he every villian now targets . "

Jay," Well Kai he is our brother plus if we do anything he will just complain to his dear uncle "

Zane ," Understandably Lloyd has been trouble i do not see how the role of green ninja was given to him "

Cole ," well i agree with ya  but since master wu dissapeared we gotta deal with him leading "

Nya ,"I'd say your a better leader and more deserving green ninja . I mean we wouldn't have to deal with the overlord and other villians if he just took the shot and destroyed garmadon "

From the other side of the door lloyd had tears formed in his eyes . Tears started falling down and he just went to the forest to clear his mind. 

In the forest Lloyd murmered to himself ," Oh now i wish i could get revenge on the others . They've just been using me as a weapon "

Lost in such thoughts and words he accidently bumped into a blond girl with a jade outfit mumbling to herself .

Lloyd immediately apologised
"Oh I'm soo sorry uh?"

The responded ," Harumi " she looked a little annoyed and sad

Lloyd noticed and asked if everything was alright . Harumi responded by saying ," Well uhm you see i-i'm the princess and i-uh am done living in the palace and being a princess "

Lloyd clearly looked confused and harumi elaborated ," When i was a child i lost my parents and then i was adopted by the royal family of Ninjago ...… They just adopted me so that they would remain empress and emperor"

Lloyd ," Oh wow i didn't think the royals were like this " Lloyd was looking down as thoughts of what the ninja said came back to him .

Now it was harumi's turn to ask . Lloyd told everything and that now he didn't wanna be with the others .

Harumi's face lit up as Lloyd looked at her in confusion . Harumi then spoke explaining her actions ," y-you see I've idoloized Lord garmadon an-and i plan on ressurecting him to extract revenge . Revenge on the poeple who treated me like Shit "

Lloyd now had a choice either he could join the s.o.g of he could be with "them" .

Lloyd thought for a moment and spoke ," Well can i join i would love to see their faces of betrayal "

Harumi who till now was very anxiously playing with her long blond hair looked up at Lloyd and smiled ," We both are the quiet one's"

She guestered Lloyd to follow and on the way explianed everything . They reached a base not just any base the sons of garmadon's base .

At first poeple were afraid and others looked as if they were gonna pounce upon sight of the green ninja .

Harumi walked up on stage and spoke ," Today the Green Ninja is joining our cause !!!!"

The room erupted in cheers and relief . Lloyd smiled knowing that he could finnally get revenge.

The welcome ceremony ended after an hour and Lloyd headed back to the bounty .

Just two minutes after he reached the others retuned from what seemed like a trip to the mall .

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