Chapter 4

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Lloyd knew that only he could take the mask. The only problem was that why would the s.o.g just release him .

He guestered for one of the members to drop a dagger . The member nodded and "accidently " dropped a dagger . UV and kilo were in the control room . They mocked the ninja and left .

Lloyd slowly dragged the knife and cut his rope . He wispered to Kai
"Listen up I'm gonna warn Cole k ,cover for me "

He jumped of the bounty . The gang members returned and clearly questioned about where lloyd was

Thinking up of an excuse Kai spoke
" I-its his new powers to tuuuurrrn Invisible yea !" He gave a " "reassuring smile " "

On the other hand lloyd ran to the Oni temple to seemingly warn Cole of Harumi.

Zane woke up gasping . His blue eyes settled in and the others happily turned to him
"ZANE !!!!!"

Zane looked confused and Jay explained everything . Zane's eyes started to glow for a minute then it came back to normal .

Nya asked
"Uh Zane wassup you don't usually use your scanners unless it's important"

Zane turned to the water ninja and replied in a horrified face as his scan was completed
"Th-there is a chance that lloyd and the s.o.g have a relation"

Kai looked wierded out
"No shit Sherlock it's flipping called the Sons of garmadon like hell they are in that way related "

Jay mumbled under his breath
" Swearing is a sign of weak verbal skills "

Kai clearly heard it
"Would you mind repeating it for me "

Nya who was fed up stopped their Oni and dragon war
"Cut it out you two and Zane !! Explain what you mean by a deeper connection with the s.o.g "

Zane looked at nya and spoke . He would've been in tears if it weren't for him being a robot .

"Lloyd has been acting pretty suspicious and for some reason whenever we figure out something which we weren't supposed to .. even if they don't show it .... Their anxiety Level increases"

Everyone looked at him with a no wait maybe faces.... Kai especially. They turned to UV and kilo . They looked at each and smirked .

Kai spoke in a broken voice "You don't say Zane " he hung his head low .

UV saw that Lloyd's identity was almost revealed
"Oh that yes the quiet one and the green ninja have been dating since long . Though he never joined us . Gah"

Everyone looked at UV with faces of really !! R u serious . Jay looked down and wondered what his best friend would think. Now he was mad and wanted lloyd off the team. Nya didn't like Jay looking like that and she too held her grudge against lloyd .

Kai followed his sister and Zane just did it because "it was the right thing to do "

Little did they know lloyd heard what they said . He smirked and kept running . He reached the temple where he saw harumi and Cole .

Cole looked annoyed to see lloyd tho Harumi wasn't .
"What are you doing here !"

"Uh the guys have been captured by the s.o.g so let's go We gotta hurry "

"What !!!"

Lloyd shot a don't come into this mess glance at harumi . She understood and they started the exploration.

Harumi triggered traps and lloyd ofcourse avoided. The second puzzle was a choose the correct door challenge.

Lloyd knew the answer but still acted like he didn't . Cole wanted to go the right most .
"I highly disagree Cole . We should go for the middle "

"Nuh uh we are going here as i am team leader and i rule !!"

"Stone paper scissors. Winner takes the path they want "

They agreed and lloyd luckily won . Cole grumbled and he broke the middle path . It opened to reveal the third Oni mask .

"No way"Cole gasped

Harumi smirked internally and they walked inside . Harumi tunned to lloyd
"Lloyd your part Oni you can remove the mask "

Lloyd nodded and removed the mask . This made Cole think .

Seeing this harumi knew she had to do something . She wrapped her arms around Cole and looked at him "lovingly" . Cole smiled but then frowned and pushed her away.

He felt heartbroken literally and physically . The love of his life was evil ! And against him .

"H-harumi i-ii y-you a-are th-the Quiet one ."

"Oh Cole so naive ... I love yous silly why would you doubt me "

"Cut the act harumi !"

"Hm fine yes ok I'm the Quiet one . "

"But why do you want to ressuect garmadon and who is the Silent one "

"Hmm let's see according to him( she blushes) he was the only one that cared . As for me there are many reasons "

"B-but y-you l-loved m-me didn't you ?"

"Love you !! Haha never ever would i . I'm literally dating someone else who just so happens to be the Silent one "

Cole was taken aback .

"Y-you L-love some-one e-lse "

"Hmm yes now no more chat time Earthy "

While Harumi was talking lloyd triggered one last trap to make Cole drown as the temple flooded .

On the other hand the ninja escaped into warning Cole . They reached the outside the temple but they were too late . The s.o.g surrounded them .

Harumi walked outside. Lloyd walked from the side not attracting attention .

Kai had his twin blades in front of Harumi
"Stop it or we'll have to go all ninja on you "

"What is that supposed to mean "

"I donno i was improvising usually lloyd does the talking "

"Wheres lloyd and Cole !!!!"

Suddenly Cole landed and spoke up
"Harumi is the Quiet one "

"No shit Sherlock, we know "

"Oh you do hehe "

"Who's the Silent one "

"Hmm do you want to know ?"

Kai was confused and spoke
"Huh why wouldnt i"

"It would change your opinion on someone "

Kai was confused and eager to know
"Tell me "

" Oh well "

As on que lloyd walked from the shadows . Harumi pulled his empty hand and collided their lips . His one hand with the mask was dangling .

The others were in shock and they parted . She wrapped a hand around lloyd

"Your the Silent one !!".

"Yes i am Kai i know "

"B-but wh-hy i thought we were besties "

"Besties Kai ? Really ?? You treated me like shit "

"I-ii y-you"

"Silence , take them just leave the earth one "

Cole looked down and harumi just mocked him for a bit and he was captured as well

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