Chapter 15

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"Kai...." Cole trailled off as he tried to calm a fuming Kai .

A few hours had passed since the incident and after Jay's rant and Cole almost murdering Jay.

Kai overheard a few sog members laughing about them not lasting even 5 minutes in front of Garmadon .

Basically Kai was fuming but couldnt do anything -

Lloyd and harumi  are smart - tho smart is an understatement .

• They kept them in a vengestone cell

• they were deep underground ( the old parking for borg industries

• They were the ones that caused the spark between the elemental masters and the ninja

• Every ally was either dead , captured or unavailable

So yea Kai was being a reckless idiot .

Frankly lloyd was amused when he heard about this from a guard .

Harumi wasnt too pleased by this and had to be restrained to stop her from doing who knows what . She was angry , that was enough to scare the lives out of everyone { including lloyd }

When she cooled , she joined lloyd in his disscusion with garmy about what next .

They had captured the city and now nothing was really left to do . The city was practically destroyed .

The overlord ??




° Lightbulb °

The Oni !!

Yea !

Basically they were bored to death and were joking about who would probably attack Ninjago next .

A few days went on like this ..... Then one day suddenly dark clouds started riding all over the city

Harumi walked in to where garmadon and lloyd were talking ..

"Aheem" she pointed towards the Oni cloud

"It wasnt me who did it , it was him" the two garmadons pointed at each other while talking in sync

"Idiot's" she muttered as the others {UV , kilo } snickered .

Over the day , the cloud spread and people were getting petrified . Many sog members were petrified .

They had to do something the cloud was already at level 89 .

The ninja were on the loose as the cells opened due to the emergency. 

They were anyways uderground and had no idea what was going on .

For them the alarms were blaring while the usually white lights were red .

The ninja were panicking as Jay made the situation worse by screaming and ranting about how they were doomed and that the world was ending .

All in all it was a bad time for both sides .

In the midst of distress lloyd realised that he would survive so would garmadon. But harumi ......

He knew inhaling the Oni cloud infested air would cause the problems and coming into too much contant with the cloud to skin would be brrr bad .

In the end just for that time he and harumi agree on wearing a gas mask with a little thick lether like material suit . It was black and she could practically be described as a shadow .

They all took a breath before leaving the building . They rushed down the stairs and happened to encounter the ninja who were in the midst of their own argument .

"No absolutely not "

"But whyyyy "

"Quit Whining Jay !"

"Well it's not my problem is it "

"Can all of you shut up !!!!"

Nya screamed the above line to make them all shut the hell up .

Lloyd blinked in utter disgust before walking out or so he wanted . Sadly for the latter of what he did , he was pulled back by Kai .

He folded his arms and have Kai a 'reasons' look .

Kai looked stern as he practically yelled
"You !! Traitor aren't going anywhere without us !!"

"Why " lloyd replied calmly

"Well uh - because uhm" Kai was taken aback

"Well till you are done i shall be leaving " lloyd turned on his heels as he again tried to speed for the exit . The gas was rising quickly and Kai and lloyd were glaring .

From under the maks harumi was also glaring but decided to keep the mask on - protection sake !

Then Jay got tired and screamed like a girl . He screamed on top of his voice that "Guys !!!!!! The cloud and Oni !!! Are coming "

Everyone now shot glares to Jay before coming to a look of realisation

"So what do you say hmm Truce or Still the rivalry "

"Well uhm "

"Truce " cut in nya clearly fed up

"What no nya !" Kai exclaimed

"Your wish " lloyd muttered as he conjured a jet /plane with enough seats for everyone using Destruction .

The other climbed in hastily as the cloud was almost at their level .

"Kaiii please c'mon"Nya pleaded her stubborn brother

"Please Kai , i know you hate me but for once just grab my hand and c'mon !"

Kai was hit with a choice

• Die a death due to his stubbornness

~ Or ~

• Try to go on the path of frogivness and save himself by grabbing Lloyd's hand

He then looked at the cloud then lloyd and spoke his descision

"I will -"

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