Chapter 8

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Suddenly ... Some groaning was heard .

The two followed the groans and found Kai. Lloyd crossed his arms . Harumi left the scene seeing as there was some unsettled business.

You see Kai did survive and he wanted revenge but while trying to get back to the resistance he tripped and fell hard . He lost most of his memory and the s.o.g guards captured him .

Lloyd looked at Kai . Kai was scared . He was showing it ... Very unlikely for such a person .

"W-who are you "

Lloyd raised a brow and then smiled in realisation.

" My name is lloyd what's yours "

"I-ii don't know "

" Oh well your name is Kai . Kai smith ok ? "

". Ok lloyd but can i stay here and be with you i don't think i have a home "

"Of course you can Kai "

He lead Kai to harumi and explained everything. They made Kai believe that the ninja were evil and that the s.o.g was fighting for good .

Kai was third in command and was healed . The resistance started plotting to sneak into the s.o.g base .

A member overheard the plan and it was reported to lloyd . He ordered an attack to stop them .

The fight ensued both sides fighting valourently . The s.o.g was overpowering the already crumpled resistance.

Suddenly a portal opened and a few dragons flew out .

" Jay !!" Exclaimed Cole

A brown haired boy looked down from his Dragon . All the dragons fought with the resistance and the s.o.g was now crumpling .

Now to aid the s.o.g a figure in black appeared out of nowhere . He fought amazingly as if swords were in his blood .

The fight ended in a stalemate and both sides retreated though it would be said as the s.o.g won .

Now was the most dreaded part breaking the news to nya .

" Nya hey ..."

"Yes Cole ?"

" Uhm ... There was an accident .... And .. Kai is dead " he looked at the floor

Nya was devasted by hearing the death of her brother . She wanted to know what exactly happened and Cole told her everything .

If she had any little bit of mercy or forgiveness left for lloyd it was lost . He was responsible for her brother's death .

The two broke the news to the others and they all hung their head low as to pay tribute to the fallen teammate .

Little did they know the very villian who's identity they wanted so bad was the very person they lost .

The s.o.g members were celebrating but garmadon wasn't happy at all. He retired to his room to clear his mind off things especially because Wu was back .

Harumi was having a blast but lloyd was nowhere to be found .

• Harumi •

I was having a blast at the party but lloyd ... He was nowhere to be found . I went to the roof and there I found him .

He was standing on the roof looking towards the city . His hand was extended and his eyes were closed . There was a vibrant purple flame on his extended hand and on the other one there were golden particals.

I looked towards the city and saw that he was controlling the collosus but it looked a little different.

Instead of mossy rock it was black with golden strips . The purple power source in it was glowing more vibrantly and now it looked powerful .

The collosus started to turn back into its original state as lloyd released his control over it .

He looked over to me and smiled . I smiled back and i walked up to him . 

" What were you doing ?" I questioned him . He looked at me and spoke ," well i noticed the first time i used the collosus, it was being a bit different and .... So- "

"So you ofcourse tried to do it again " i cut him off and spoke . He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my neck and nodded .

God he is soo cute

• lloyd •

Actually i am thankful to the ninja , why you ask ?

Well because if they weren't such 'great' friends i wouldn't have met harumi . Gosh i wonder what would it have been like if we never met .

I was snapped back into reality with the loud music blasting out of the speakers . Apperently rumi dragged me here .


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