Chapter Five

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You still don't seem to grasp the whole king situation, much to Yoongi's annoyance. Even when you meet the king's brother, who is his polar opposite, you can't treat him as a prince.


"(y/n) nim." You heard Jimin's voice, awaking you from your slumber. You sat up, remembering where you were and what situation you were in. From the sun, you could see his silhouette through the paper door.

"Come in." You replied.

"My apologies for interrupting your slumber." He bowed. You shook your head, getting out of bed. Jimin grabbed your hanbok overcoat to put over your underwear. He gently slipped it over your shoulders and tied the ribbon in front to secure it in place.

"Are we going somewhere?" You asked as he brushed your hair again, pinning it up neatly as he did before.

"Jeonha requests your presence for his evening meal." Jimin informed you with a small smile. You stiffened, you were not ready to meet the same man that shared the same face as your lover.

"Can I not go? I'd much rather stay here." You asked softly.

"I would advise against it, (y/n) nim. Jeonha does not take too much to people denying him." Jimin looked conflicted.

"It's alright... I'm sorry to put you in such a position." You sighed, rubbing your forehead.

"Please, you don't ever have to apologise to me. My duty is to serve you and make sure your needs are attended to." Jimin put his hand over his heart and bowed. You hated being in such a society, seeing people treated like slaves and servants didn't sit well with you, especially since said servant had the same face and name of your good friend.

"Jeonha will be arriving at the dining hall soon. We should get there before he does." Jimin said. You nodded and he helped you put your shoes on. The two of you left the room.

"Who are they?" You asked Jimin when you saw a group of women being lined up. They were all wearing the same hanbok as one another.

"They are jeonha's consorts." Jimin informed. Your eyes widened.

"O-Oh but don't worry! I'm pretty sure you're not here to join his harem. You're considered his guest?" Jimin shook his hands in a panicky way, a light blush covering his cheeks. You laughed, shaking your head.

"I wouldn't join even if he wanted me to." You giggled.

"You're very different then. Every woman's dream is to join the king's harem and one day be the queen consort, to bear jeonha's heir to the throne." Jimin said.

"Where I'm from... women actually have worthy dreams." You said. As you walked with Jimin, you met eyes with some of the girls. They were obviously staring at you and the hanbok you wore, which was very different from the uniform one that they had to wear.

"This way." Jimin opened the sliding door for you to enter through the hallway. You walked in and came before a large dining room. There was a long table down the middle, with 12 different dishes placed on.

"That's a lot of food." You commented.

"Jeonha likes the variety." Jimin smiled. He gestured for you to sit on one of the cushions at the side.

"So we just wait for his grand entrance?" You raised an eyebrow and Jimin nodded his head. He sat a little behind you, on his knees. It was a little assuring that he was going to be there.

"The great king of Joseon, Min Yoongi, will make his entrance." Seokjin announced as he came in. Jimin was quick to stand and you just followed suit.

"Long live the king!" Jimin bowed on his knees as Yoongi entered with Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok. You turned behind to look at your attending on the ground, refusing to do the same. Yoongi stared at you, as if waiting for you to submit to him as well but you remained stoic, staring him right in the eyes, refusing to bow to him.

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