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I stared at my feet, trying so hard to ignore the sickening voice that was calling out to me. I didn't want to see its face, it was always going to be the same result every time we had a conversation; I was always going to be on the losing end.

So, was there any use of me trying again?


Slowly and reluctantly, I raised my head to stare at who that horrid voice came from. Standing before me was a weirdly-looking creature that copied every slight movement I made down to detail. A monster, that was what it was. A hideous monster.

Against my will, It consistently dropped by to shove pessimistic meals down my throat. Yet, I could never bring myself to refuse its delibating negativity. Its gloomy presence had now engulfed all that I stood for and crushed me into tiny pieces, bit by bit. For so many years, it had shackled my hands and feet to heavy blocks that restrained me from taking a step forward. I could not call for help either, because the crowd was too far away from this desolate place. I was all alone with my problems, with my slavery.

It had been so long living in a caged world that I had no idea what freedom felt like anymore. What was life like, living without a monster eerily watching you?

Remind me, please.

My memory of contempt was gradually fading into the air, leaving me as a mere puppet in the hands of my disgusting master.

I stared at the creature before me and it stared back at me with a very similar gaze. Its stupidly large irides bore into my soul, even as both our eyes hid behind ugly pairs of glasses.

It was such a grotesque creature.

From its greasy face that had several bumps, to the tiny brownish spots that rested on its cheeks and the large patches of darkness that stuck to its skin, I couldn't find any admirable thing about it.

My gaze travelled down the creature's shapeless body in a desperate attempt to find the light. I could feel the lump in my throat struggle to burst out as it seemed like there was going to be no hope.

Please world, let me find just one thing.

My eyes began to widen in sheer faith as I caught sight of the dress which the creature had on.

What a lovely blue dress!

Yet, the beauty of the dress was gradually fading away from my vision. The darkness which flocked around the creature burned holes into the pretty dress and turned it into a dirty rag.

Regardless of how hard the creature tried to beautify itself, it was still an eyesore.


I spoiled my face in disgust and the creature made the exact face back at me.

"Monster," we both said to ourselves.

I stared into the eyes of the creature as tears started to swell in my eyes. It seemed like the creature's eyes were watering as well.



With my blurry vision, I watched as lines of tears slowly streamed from my eyes before I ran away from the long-length mirror.

Just like every other time, I lost the bet- I couldn't find one good thing about that monster.

I fell on my knees, tearing the blue dress I was wearing into little pieces of fabric and flinging them across the room.

Why me? Why did I have to be the one with a monster lurking behind her? All I wanted was a normal life; all I wanted was to be a basic girl. I wasn't asking for all the beauty in the world, only a little. So, why was life so selfish to grant me that? Why?


I sniffled and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself as I tore the last piece of fabric into two with my shaky hands. I was now left in just my underwear and the reminisce of wearing a beautiful dress.

I took off my glasses and wiped my tears to clear my blurry vision, then looked around my apartment as I put my glasses back on. Shredded pieces of blue fabric laid in different corners of the room, telling me how I brutally murdered the pretty dress I was wearing a minute ago.

What a shame. I always seemed to mess up everything around me.

I sniffled and wiped off the tears on my chin with the back of my hand before that horrid voice spoke again.


I thinned my lips as my stomach began to boil. It was one thing to lose but it was a much worse thing to get mocked for losing every single day.

It was so annoying!

Springing up from the floor at once, I started to pick the pieces of fabric on the tiles.

Brag all you want, you hideous being, but one day..

...Just one day...

...I'll get rid of you.


Tip: Wendy Davis is black-American.

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