Chapter Fifteen

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"SCARLETT, STOP!" I YELLED as I hugged the young man, shielding him from her as she raised her handbag to hit him again.

"I told you she knows him," Annabelle commented as she joined Scarlett from the open road ahead.

Scarlett slowly lowered her handbag, offering the young man and me her hands to help us up from the floor instead.

"Well, it's his fault for dressing like a robber," she said.

"That... really hurt," the young man said as he stood up, rubbing his shoulder that Scarlett had hit.

"I'm sorry," she laughed, "We were just trying to look out for our friend."

"We?" Annabelle yelled in surprise.

The masked man laughed and adjusted his cap, "I'll leave her to you two. You would be the best people to console her, anyway."

"Huh?" Annabelle turned to me, "Console you for what?"

I toyed with my fingers, staring at the two gorgeous ladies before me, "Thomas and I broke up."

It was fun watching their reactions.

"Wait. Wait," Annabelle said, like she could slow down time.

"What?" Scarlett yelled out.

I ignored them as they stared at themselves in horror and turned to the young man beside me, "I think you should head on, it's almost an hour now."

His eyes were the only things I could see and unfortunately, they reminded me of someone I desperately wanted to forget at the moment. His eyes were ocean blue.

He quickly checked the time on his watch, "Oh, yeah. It is."

"Thank you for tonight," I said, then gently shook the empty juice container, "And thank you for this too."

He nodded.

"Goodnight," he said and headed down the alley, towards the road.

It was weird how a random stranger could be so nice to me. It felt out of place to talk about my personal life to someone I didn't know but I was glad to at least share my worries. And I just happened to get a free drink too!

As his silhouette was out of sight, I turned to Annabelle and Scarlett whose eyes were still wide open, "Let's go to my place."

I walked towards my apartment building and the two ladies trailed behind me.

"Girl, you just dropped a bombshell and you aren't even saying anything!" Scarlett started.

"Did he break up with you because of the date?" Annabelle asked.

"What date?" Scarlett inquired, "What have I been missing? I spend one week away from you two and I've missed so much that I can write a book about it."

I laughed at Scarlett's words and softly sighed, looking upwards as my eyes began to water again.

Damn these stupid tears.

"He asked her out on a group date and she cancelled out at the last minute because she was working overtime," Annabelle replied.

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