Chapter Ten

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I GOT UP from the bed at once, "What?"

"Trust me, Wendy," Clara said, feigning confidence, "He's not the best option for you. He's just a good-for-nothing bastard who's—"

I didn't know how it happened or where I got the energy to do so but the moment I heard her insult my boyfriend, my hand went up in the air and it came down hard on her left cheek. Thwack!

Clara held her cheek and stared at me in disbelief as I slapped her. It seemed I had also completely slapped off that fading cutesy aura she had on; her eyes were as plain as white.

"Who the hell gave you the audacity to talk about my boyfriend in that manner?" I glared at her.

"You slapped me," her hands vigorously shook as they held her cheek.

"And I'll do it again," I stated, "You think I was oblivious to how you wanted to flirt with my man at all costs that day? You're not sneaky at all. You wanted to talk to him on the phone so bad that you didn't even mind the manager noticing your promiscuity. Now, you're telling me to break up with him so you can have your way and flirt your silly ass all over him. You think I'm stupid?"

Clara's face was so red.

"And if you won't mind some advice from a friend," I continued, mocking her words, "You shouldn't go around flirting with guys when you have a boyfriend. That's not cute, that's just straight up messed up."

"Now, get out of my house!" I yelled, pointing at the door.

"You're going to regret this, Wendy Davis. I promise you," she glared back at me.

"You want me to hit you again?" I hissed through clenched teeth, "I said get out!"

"Fine! I'll leave. But just you wait, the drama's around here somewhere," she breathed out a laugh before she stormed out, leaving the door open.

I sighed and sat down on the bed as I held my head. With my eyes tightly closed, I took deep breaths with a strong belief that I would exhale all the rage in me.

I knew Clara was very aware of her subtle beauty, and I knew that she used it as an excuse to be flirty. But how dare she try to get me to break up with my boyfriend?

Even if she had a slutty character and was very comfortable with stealing people's boyfriends, how could she try to do that to a friend?

Okay, maybe we weren't friends. But still!

I should have done a fistbump with her nose instead, that would have been more painful— especially if it managed to dislocate her perfect nose.

"What just happened?"

I looked up to see Annabelle walk into my apartment and shut the door behind her.

"I met your co‐worker running down the stairs and she looked like a freaking tomato," she continued.

"Don't pay her any attention. She's just being her normal pretentious self," I said as I furrowed my brows.

Annabelle took a seat on the couch and dropped her bag beside her, studying my expression. She thinned her lips, then opened her mouth as if to speak.

"She came all the way to my apartment to tell me to break up with Thomas," I said before Annabelle could even ask the question.

"Well, that's one more person added to the group," Annabelle remarked.

"What do you all hate so much about him?" I softly exhaled, "He's a sweet guy!"

I couldn't even find one person who wholeheartedly supported our relationship. What was so terrible about him? And why couldn't I see it too?

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