Chapter Two

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THE FEELING OF ICY WATER on my skin jolted me back to life. For some reason, the worrisome faces on Clara, the cafe manager and every other person in the cafe sparked a little feeling of delight in me. For once, their eyes weren't judging me.

"She's conscious!" Announced the man holding a wet towel.

"Are you alright?" Clara inquired with tears in her eyes as she knelt over me on the floor.

I motioned to sit up, "I think-"

The cafe manager held me back to the floor, also crouching beside me, "You should lay down. Does any of your relation live nearby?"

I shook my head in the negative.

"And your friends?" He asked.

"We should call her boyfriend," Clara suggested.

"Does he stay nearby?"

"I have no idea," Clara answered, "But he should."

It felt so unusual looking at everyone from this angle. I could clearly see my manager's beard and the bright red hickey on Clara's neck that was trying to hide behind her hair. Coupled with the feeling of my wet clothes which stuck to my skin and the ease of lying down on the floor, this felt great!

The crowd in the cafe slowly dissolved into numbers as they confirmed that I was alright. Now, only Clara and the cafe manager were left with me on the floor behind the counter.

"Well, do you have his phone number?" The cafe manager asked Clara.

"No, Mr. Lenin," Clara turned to me, "Can you give me your boyfriend's number?"

"Rather, you can just call him with her phone," Mr. Lenin said.

"H-Hmm, yeah," Clara awkwardly said as she got up from the floor and headed towards the back room.

"And report to my office at once," Mr. Lenin added before Clara could shut the door behind her.

After helping me up from the floor and passing my arm around his shoulder, Mr. Lenin and I slowly walked into his office. I was sure that I could walk perfectly fine, so why was he treating me like someone who just broke her leg?

We walked into his office and he helped me take a seat on the chair to his North-east before he settled down himself. I tightly closed my eyes as my tummy began to ache.

"Do you want some water?" I heard him inquire.

"Yes, please," I immediately replied, opening my eyes again.

Standing up from his seat, he filled a glass cup with water from the dispenser across the room and placed it on the table in front of me. As I gulped much water from the glass cup at once, I could feel the cold wash over me and hurt my eyes.

Nope, this was too much cold for one day.

I rubbed my temples to calm my brain freeze, staring at the glass of water.

"Miss. Davis, do you have any health issues?" Mr. Lenin asked, folding his arms as he took his seat again.

"No," I replied and placed the glass cup back on the table.

"And when was your last visit to the doctor?"

"Like a year ago... or two," I said.

"Or maybe three," Mr. Lenin continued.

I tried so hard not to laugh. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, since he always had that stern gaze on his face.

"You need to go for a check-up, Miss. Davis," He finalized.

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