Chapter Twenty

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"ENSURE TO BE GENTLE when handling the fabric at this state because it is now very delicate," the lecturer behind the lectern educated, showing pictures of what she was talking about on the board.

"Just as usual, you carefully sew through to the base of the fabric with a half-inch allowance, then flip the right side out, correct?" She continued.

I jotted down the keywords from her teaching into my notebook, softly sighing for the umpteenth time. The guy beside me stared at me hard with a weird look but I didn't care. It wasn't a crime to sigh. I flipped across the pages of the notebook, going through my previous notes and doodles when I came across a sketch of the clothing design I left unfinished in my apartment. I immediately tore it out and squeezed the sheet of paper into a ball.

I shut my notebook. I didn't want to be reminded that I couldn't model my dress because I wasn't slim enough.

Someone suddenly took her seat on the vacant chair beside me and her seductive perfume enveloped me.

"I didn't know you came for lectures today," Scarlett leaned in and whispered as she settled down.

"Neither did I," I quietly laughed, surprised to see her.

"When did you arrive?"

"About an hour ago," I answered, taking a sip of water from my water bottle, "I think."

"Oh, you came earlier than I did."

"When did you get here?"

She rested her arm on the backrest of my seat, "About a minute ago."

I snickered, "How did you even manage to get in without the lecturer noticing?"

"I snuck in," she smiled and stared at my closed book, "Aren't you going to take notes?"

"I've been doing that since I came here. My wrist hurts. How's your neck?" I asked.

She flipped her gaze to her left and weaved her hair to the side, giving me the chance to see the healing wound at the back of her neck.

She turned back to me, smiling, "Now I've earned that nickname you two gave me."

"Scar," we both said.

We covered our mouths as we burst into hushed laughter. The guy beside me must have been so pissed at what was going on because the next second, he was out of that seat and off to look for another.

"How are you?" Scarlett inquired.

"I think I'm fine," I said, taking another sip of water, "Do you know if Devin's in jail now?"

Scarlett slid her gaze towards the lecture podium, "The police settled on the restraining order."

"What? Just the restraining order? He was literally going to kidnap me if you two didn't show up and all they'd settle on is a restraining order? Is it because he didn't harm me? He harmed you."

Scarlett didn't say anything as she stared at the front of the lecture room with a very straight gaze, tapping my lap underneath the long white desk instead.

"What? What is it?" I asked her before I slid my gaze to stare at the lecture podium.

The lecturer was staring at me dead in the eye and she was not smiling. A couple of students burst into laughter as they watched my eyes widen in horror.

"Quiet down, everyone," she said, "I've got just three more minutes to spend in this lecture hall and I intend to use it wisely."

She focused her stern gaze on me, "Regardless of whether you want to pay attention to what I'm teaching or chat about the weekend with your friend."

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