Chapter Five

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(Disclaimer: This chapter contains mild sexual content)

"AH!" I SCREAMED as I shook down to my knees.

Thomas kissed my neck and laughed, taking a seat on the stool to my left.

"That scared me! What if I had made a mistake in my painting?" I slapped his shoulder as he sat down.

He smiled teasingly, "I'm sorry."

The sun rays reflected through the windows and on my newest painting, drawing Thomas's attention to it.

"You just painted this?" He asked, staring at the painting.

"Yeah," I said, setting the palette and paintbrush down.

"I swear, you just keep getting better and better. I still don't understand why you chose fashion design over this. It would have been much easier for you, since you're better at it."

"I'm better at something doesn't mean I have to pursue it," I countered, "I'd choose fashion design over fine art any time."

"I get you," he said.

I smiled foolishly, "Of course, you do."

"You said something about a ticket yesterday," Thomas reminded, "What's that about?"

"Oh! Uhm, I got us tickets to Nathan Eiser's concert next week Friday," I smiled at him.

"That guy again?" Thomas stared at me with jealousy screaming in his eyes.

"Yeah, that guy," I said, still smiling.

"You know, sometimes I'm forced to believe that you love him more than you love me."

I laughed, "Well, I met him before I met you."

"It's just a three-month difference, Wendy," he whined.

"But I knew him before I knew you."

It was so fun to tease him.

"So, you're trying to let me know that you love him more than you love me. Or is it the other way around?" Thomas inquired, thinning his gaze on me.

"Ehhh," I said with the pitch of my voice decreasing.

"That's not fair," Thomas said, "Do you mean that?"

I was not so sure myself. I loved Thomas, if I did not, I would not have been so eager to date him back in high school. He was my most prized possession and the one person I could lay my life down for. But when compared to Nathan Eiser, my brain just ceased to work.

The love I had for Nathan was plainly admiration— well, who was I kidding? I had a huge crush on him since I knew him. The thing is, I also knew that the chances of us getting to meet were very slim. Our worlds were too far apart for us to cross paths, so I gave up on him. It was nothing more than an idol-fan relationship now. Thomas had stolen that part of my heart that was meant for him.

I guess that meant I loved Thomas more.

I dug my hand into the front section of my hair and soothed it backwards. As I dropped my hand onto my lap, Thomas leaned in and placed a kiss on my neck.

"You know I've got paint there," I said to him.

"I don't care," he softly spoke into my ear with a gruff voice I knew so well.

I ignored him.

Getting up from my stool to grab a pen from my locker, I penned my name at the bottom right corner of the canvas.

"Okay, I'm done. We can start going now," I said as I backed Thomas, pulling off the apron I was wearing.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him, making me bounce on his lap.

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