Chapter Eleven

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ANNABELLE PULLED over in the parking lot and turned to me, "I won't spend so much time. Will you wait for me in the car?"

"Oh, I'm not staying here," I said, "I'm heading to work."

Annabelle scrunched up her nose and spoiled her mouth in a babyish frown, "That was your plan all along, wasn't it?"

I smiled mischievously. I was not going to let anyone cut my pay.

"But I want to see Thomas before I head to the cafe," I said.

"You're always about Thomas. Girl!" Annabelle exclaimed.

"If you had a boyfriend, maybe you'd understand where I'm coming from," I teased her, getting down from the car.

"Just be careful, okay?" Annabelle yelled as I walked towards the art faculty building, "And call me if you need a ride back home."

I searched my purse for my phone and dialled Thomas's number upon stepping into the building. I smiled as I placed the phone in a slant position against my ear. He'd be so surprised.

I giggled bashfully, covering my mouth.

"The number you have dialled is not reachable at the moment," my phone said, much to my dismay.

My smile drowned as I heard those words and I dialled his number again. Placing the phone against my ear, I strolled further down the long hallway. A few college students were in, either talking in groups or rushing into a lecture room.

Just some meters ahead, I saw Carlos talking to an unfamiliar light-skinned girl as they held hands. She kept touching her hair while they conversed and they were smiling stupidly at each other.

That girl must be Camila.

"...The number you have dialled is not reachable at the moment..."

I ended the call and walked up to the couple.

"Hi," I casually said to them.

They both turned to me at the same time and for some reason, I felt so small. The cheerful expression they had on their faces a minute ago had vanished and their eyes were now intently focused on me. They must have been wondering who could have been so foolish to interrupt a couple when they were having a lovely time together.

Once again I was at the centre of judging eyes.

"Wendy?" Carlos's eyes widened as he saw me, "You're here?"

"Uhm, yeah," I said.

"Why? I thought you were not feeling too well," he continued.

"Well, yes, but I came to pay Thomas a visit."

"All the way here to see him?" Carlos laughed, then stopped as he saw that I was not laughing along, "Wait, you're serious?"

"Yeah. Where is he?"

"He's not here," he said.

"I think it's pretty obvious that he's not here with us," I forced out a laugh, "I just want to know where he is. I've been dialling his number for some time and he isn't picking up."

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