[ Chapter Three ]

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Hoseok sighed as he was dragged towards the small café by his pup. He was surprised by the strength of the child, it wouldn't surprise the alpha if the pup presented  as an alpha just like him. They were currently both wearing masks to try and hide their faces, Hoseok was also wearing sunglasses while his pup had refused to wear them. The pup stopped at the door of the café, looking up at his father.

"Pawpa, open," the pup whined while pointing at the door.

Hoseok smiled at his son. He bent down, picking up the pup before opening the door. Even with a mask on, Hoseok could still smell the strong scent of sweet pastries and coffee. The alpha was quick to stand in line, waiting for their turn to order.

After a 10 minute wait, they were finally able to order. While Hoseok was ordering, the pup was busy looking at the pastry display. The pup's eyes landed on a cinnamon bun that was decorated with small pieces of fruit. The pup turned to look at his father, getting his attention.

"Pawpa! Pawpa! That one!" Kyubok exclaimed while pointing at the cinnamon bun.

"Okay, we'll get that," Hoseok said, gently rubbing his son's back before turning to look at the cashier.

"And one of those—"

"Sorry I'm late!" Said the person who had interrupted Hoseok.

Hoseok sighed. He was about to speak again when he heard his pup gasp.

"Mawma! Pawpa, Mawma there!" Kyubok said.

'Fuck' Hoseok thought, now knowing who had interrupted him. His grip tightened on his son when he felt the pup starting to squirm in his arms. The alpha tried his best to finish his order but the pup had kicked his stomach very hard which caused Hoseok to let go of his son.

The pup quickly ran away from his father, following the scent of his supposed mother. The pup could hear fast footsteps coming from behind him but he just ran faster on his small legs.

The pup found the source of the sweet scent, getting excited of being able to reunite with his "mawma". He grabbed onto the leg of a pale male, hearing the gasp of the male. He looked up to see the male who was staring back at him.

"Umm... hi?" The male said, trying to not bring any attention to himself.

"Mawma! Miss you," the pup slurring while snuggling against the male's covered leg.

"Yoongi? Since when did you have a pup?" Someone asked.


"Mawma!" The pup exclaimed, bringing more attention towards them.

"Kyubok!" A voice exclaimed. Yoongi knew who the voice belonged to.

"Pawpa! Mawma here!" Kyubok said before giggling to himself.

The alpha looked at the omega who looked back at him. They stared at each other, Yoongi wasn't able to see Hoseok's face because of the mask and sunglasses the alpha was wearing but he still knew who he was.

The alpha quickly pulled the pup away from the omega which caused the pup to let out a blood curdling scream. If there wasn't anyone staring at them before then they were definitely staring at them now.

Pup screamed and kicked in his father grip trying to go back to the omega. The toddler suddenly hit his father's face which caused the sunglasses to fall off.

"Kyubok! Stop acting like this or we're going back home," Hoseok said harshly.

The pup screamed again, pulling his father's mask off before he began to cry.

Hoseok groaned, he tried his best to cover his face but he knew it was over when he started to hear gasps and cameras clicking.

"It's Jung Hoseok,"

"Is that omega Kyubok's mother?"

"Are Hoseok and that omega in a relationship?"

Unfortunately for Hoseok, there was a journalist in the café. The journalist quickly ran up to where Hoseok and his pup were, beginning to ask questions to the alpha.

"Are you and this omega mated?" The journalist asked.

Hoseok shot the journalist a glare, refusing to answer the question. Suddenly a bunch more people came up to where he was and began asking him and Yoongi questions. The alpha panicked, he was contemplated on what to do.

He suddenly had an idea, he just hoped the omega wouldn't kill him for doing it.

He stood up with his crying pup in his arms. He grabbed Yoongi's wrist, quickly rushing out of the café. He was followed by the crowd of people who all had questions. Hoseok looked at the omega was looked at him with confusion plastered all over his face.

"Just keep walking and keep your mouth shut!" Hoseok whispered-yelled.

The alpha walked towards his parked car, the crowd continuing to ask questions. He pulled his keys out of his pocket, unlocking the doors. He opened the back doors, telling the omega to get in. The male looked at him hesitantly but when he saw the crowd behind Hoseok he was quick to get in. The alpha handed the weeping pup to the omega. The pup was quick to warp his small arms around Yoongi's neck, stuffing his nose in his scent gland. Yoongi let out a squeak at the action, looking at Hoseok who was closing the door.

When Hoseok was gone, the sight of phones and cameras on the car window startled the omega.

"Hey! Are you Kyubok's mother?"

"Are you and Jung Hoseok mated?"

"Are you a Jung as well?"

Yoongi sighed, scooting away from the window. He heard a car door shut and the car engine start


Yoongi sighed as he held the sleeping pup in his arms.

"Umm... so what now?" Yoongi whispered, trying not to wake up the toddler.

"Well.. I'm guessing the news about what happened back there is on the internet," Hoseok responded as he drove the car. "You're gonna have to stay away from the café and any other public areas for a few months unless you want a hoard of people harassing you."

"But.. I can't do that! I work there!" Yoongi exclaimed which caused the pup to let out a whimper.

"Then.. fuck—.." Hoseok said.

They stayed quiet while Hoseok thought of an idea. It took a while before a light bulb idea came to the alpha.

"How about I pay you to babysit my son?" Hoseok offered.


"It's your only choice and I'll pay you triple of what you earn in a year for babysitting him for a couple of months and if I like how you take care of him then I'll continue paying you to babysit him," Hoseok said.

Yoongi thought about the offer. He barely earned ₩30,000,ooo in a year and triple that would change his life. But he also didn't know the man, what if the alpha was a criminal. The omega huffed, he had nothing to lose.


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