[ Chapter Ten ]

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Yoongi sighed to himself as he chopped a few cucumbers on the cutting broad. Apparently Jimin was staying for dinner and had requested Oí Muchim (spicy cucumber salad) as a side dish because Yoongi had already made Kalguksu.

"Mawma! Me too want Muchim," Kyubok asked the omega, using his puppy eyes to try and convince him.

"No, sorry. You know that your father doesn't want you eating anything spicy," Yoongi said to the pup who pouted at the answer.

"I've never understood why Hoseok doesn't let Kyubok eat spicy," Jimin said as he entered the kitchen, startling Yoongi and the toddler.

"He's never going to be able to tolerate spicy foods if Hoseok doesn't let him eat them," Jimin added as he walked up to Yoongi and Kyubok .

"That's what I told him.. but he just told me that Kyubok was his son and he could do what he wanted with him," Yoongi responded while placing the cut cucumbers in a bowl.

"Ha, Hyung can be so stubborn," the alpha said, leaning closer towards the omega, causing Yoongi to feel a sudden heat rush up towards his face.

"Don't tell Hoseok this but when I'm babysitting Kyubok while he's gone, I usually take him to this restaurant and order him tteokbokki and other spicy dishes. This little man loves it," Jimin whispered so only Yoongi could hear.

'So that's why the pup was so insistent on eating tteokbokki,' Yoongi thought to himself.

"You know, I still can't believe that Hoseok was able to catch someone like you," Jimin spoke after he had leaned away from Yoongi. The omega had thought Hoseok had told Jimin that they weren't dating but apparently he hadn't.

"If I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda jealous of Hoseok because he gets to have a mate like you," Jimin said to the omega.

Yoongi didn't know how he felt in this situation. For some reason it felt nice to be called Hoseok's mate but he knew it was wrong to feel that way. Perhaps he had a small crush on the alpha.

"Why did you come in here anyways?" Yoongi asked. "I'm sure Hoseok is waiting or you in the living room."

"Eh, just wanted to talk to you, and ask a favor from you," Jimin said, seeing the confused look on the omega's face before he looked down at the pup.

"Hey Kyubok. Me and Yoongi have to speak alone. How about you go and hang out with your dad," Jimin said to the toddler.

"You and Mawma talk alone and me go to Pawpa?" The pup said, asking the same question that the alpha had said. "Yep, I'll be there soon," Jimin said, receiving a quick nod from the pup.

Jimin watched as the pup rushed out of the kitchen before he looked at the omega who was adding salt into the bowl of cucumbers.

"As I was saying... I have a feeling that you and Hoseok aren't dating. Am I right?" The alpha asked, receiving a nod from Yoongi who was mixing the salt in to the cucumbers.

"Even though you guys aren't dating.. could you at least love Hoseok hyung a little? Just a little. I know that it's probably a strange request but I feel like Hyung has been a lot happier since you've been here," Jimin said softly. Now the alpha had all of Yoongi's attention.

"He's been happier? Really?" Yoongi asked. "Yea, happier," Jimin responded. "He's never been so happy since she left..." Jimin said, gripping onto the kitchen counter top.

"Who is she?" Yoongi questioned. Was that Kyubok's real mother that Jimin was talking about.

"If Hoseok hasn't told you about her then I shouldn't be telling you," Jimin responded.

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