[ Chapter Seventeen ]

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Hoseok sighed to himself as Yoongi scented him before bed. Hoseok felt the omega warp him arms around the alpha, wanting to be closer to the alpha while scenting him.

Hoseok shifted a little bit away, making Yoongi let out a small whine.

"Yoongi... I don't mind you scenting me but it's getting too much that my neck is becoming raw," Hoseok said.

The alpha heard the omega let out a huff before he pulled away from the alpha. Yoongi crossed his arms and pouted.

Hoseok sighed to himself, looking away from the omega to look at the pup who was sleeping peacefully on the nest. His eyes focused on the pup's neck, a small red rash on it.

"So no more scenting?" Yoongi asked softly.

"I didn't mean it like that," Hoseok responded, his attention now on the omega. "I just meant that you shouldn't be scenting as much.... Maybe once or twice a day, not twenty times a day."

Yoongi nodded softly at the request, not wanting to disobey the alpha.

"For example, we scent once in the morning and then we scent again before bed," Hoseok suggested.

The older nodded again, agreeing with the alpha. Hoseok smiled at the act. Call him awful or whatever but he enjoyed the fact that Yoongi was so submissive.

"Let's go to bed now," Hoseok said laying down next to the pup making himself comfortable on the nest, followed by Yoongi who settled on the other side of the pup, having the toddler in between them.

Hoseok heard Yoongi let out a yawn. "Good night," Yoongi said softly while he wrapped his arms around the pup, cuddling him.

"Goodnight—.." Hoseok paused, he furrowed his brows while he sniffed the air. Yoongi had let out more of his sweet honey tangerine scent, but this time it smelled different. Yoongi's scent had always seemed familiar, as if the alpha had smelled it before.

The alpha sniffed again he frowned. The scent... The alpha's eyes widened.

That scent. Now he knew why it smelt so familiar. How come he didn't notice it before?

Yoongi smelled just like her. Her. Kyubok's mother. Kim Misuk.

- A Few Years Ago -

"THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" The young male alpha shouted towards the scared female omega.

"You heard what I said... I'm pregnant," the omega said softly, cowering under the alpha's gaze.

"Well good luck with your child," the alpha spat out.

The alpha watched as the omega's lips formed into a frown, her brows furrowing down.

"My child? Jung Hoseok, this child is yours as much as it's mine," she said sternly while pointing her finger towards the alpha, her honey citrus scent souring.

"The fuck it isn't. That child isn't mine," Hoseok said as he slammed his hand on his desk, making the omega slightly flinch.

The two were currently in the Hoseok's office. The omega, who was the alpha's secretary, had came in and had told the alpha the news.

"Well it is. So you better take responsibility for it, Jung," the omega said, stomping her foot on the wood tiled floor of the office.

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