[ Chapter Six ]

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Hoseok shot up from the bed, looking at the person who had woken him up. His eyes widened as he quickly got out of his bed.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" The alpha asked to the other alpha who was shaking her head.

"Hoseok... who the hell is this?" Hoseok's mother asked, pointing at the sleeping omega on the bed.

"Oh.. Yoongi's just—"

"Why didn't you tell us you were dating someone?"

"What?" Hoseok said in confusion.

"How could you do this to your parents? Aren't we supposed to be the first people to know about your new boyfriend. We found out about all this with the rest of—"

"Ganmawma?" A soft voice said, causing the two alphas to look at the small pup who was crawling out of the sleeping omega's grasp.

Hoseok looked back at his mother who was smiling at the sight of pup.

"Kyubok! It's been a while since I've last seen you," the female said, walking towards the edge of the bed where the pup was.

She picked up the pup who was quick to hug his grandmother. She smiled, patting and rubbing the pup's back. She could smell the prominent scent of honey tangerine that was coming from the pup.

"Ganmawma! Look! Look! It Mawma," Kyubok said, pointing at Yoongi who was starting to stir in his sleep.

"Oh.. You call him Mawma," She said, looking to her side to glare at Hoseok who was holding his hands up in defense.

"I didn't do anything. He choose to call Yoongi that," Hoseok said, defending himself.

The female sighed, looking back at her grandson who had his head turned, looking at the figure who was sitting up on the bed.

"Mawma!" The pup said, trying to get out of his grandmother's grip to be able to go to the omega who still had his eyes closed, The alpha let go of the pup who ran towards the small omega. "Goo' mornings, Mawma," the pup exclaimed, slurring his words.

Yoongi heard the pup this time, opening his eyes to spot the toddler standing at the side of the bed.  Yoongi yawned before he rubbed his eyes with his fists, he smelled something funny in the air but brushed it off. "Good morning, Kyubok," he said in his morning voice.

Yoongi watched as the pup tried to get up on the bed but because of his small height he wasn't able to. "Mawma, up-up," the pup said with a pout.

"Let me get out of bed first," Yoongi said. The omega's mind was too busy on the pup that he hadn't noticed the two alphas in the room.

As Yoongi got out of bed, the alphas were watching him like hawks. They were both surprised that the omega hadn't realized their presence, especially because the female's scent was a strong scotch whiskey scent that could be smelled from a mile away. Perhaps the inside of Yoongi's nose was still lingering with Hoseok's scent.

"Let's go brush your teeth, Kyubok." Yoongi said, bending down to pick up the pup. The toddler quickly wrapped his arms around Yoongi, resting his head on the omega's shoulder. "And Pawpa and Ganmawma," the pup said, looking up to stare at the omega's eyes.

"Papa and what?"

"Ganmawma. Right there," Kyubok said, pointing his finger behind Yoongi's back.

Yoongi was quick to turn around, his eyes landing on the female alpha who's eyes were staring straight into his. She had the same grey eyes and dark brown hair that Hoseok had and was definitely taller than Yoongi.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok who was standing next to the female, that explained why the alpha wasn't in bed when Yoongi had woken up. The omega looked back at the female who was starting to approach him until she was face to face with the omega.

Yoongi gulped before lowering his head down, feeling so small in the gaze of the taller. His sweet scent starting to sour which alerted Hoseok that Yoongi was in distress, walking towards where his mother and Yoongi's were.

"Mom.. I think you're scaring him," Hoseok said, trying to apply some space between the alpha and omega.

"Shut up, Hoseok," the female responded, glaring at Hoseok before looking back at Yoongi who was holding her grandson. "So you're the one who's dating my son," she said, pointing at the omega.

"Dating?" Yoongi said, confusion visible on his face.

"Mom, we're not—,"

"I told you to shut up, Hoseok," the elder alpha said, her scotch whiskey scent becoming more bitter every second. She scoffed to herself, paying attention at the scared omega who's grip was tightening on the pup.

"Look here, omega. If you're only dating my son for his money or hurt my little grandson, then I will personally deal with you myself," she said with a growl.

"I-I—.." Yoongi was interrupted when he heard the female let out a loud laugh. Yoongi looked at the alpha with confusion. Was there something wrong with her mid or something. Yoongi looked at Hoseok, wanting an answer but Hoseok only shrugged his shoulders.

"Haha! I'm only kidding! You're too small and innocent like that you couldn't do anything bad even if your life depended on it," she said. Yoongi didn't know if he should be offended or grateful for the "compliment".

"Oh.. I—.."

"You're pretty famous y'know. Every news site has been talking about you non-stop for the past day," the female said.

"Really?" Yoongi asked in surprise.

"Mhm, perhaps we can talk about it over a nice cup of coffee," she said, walking towards the bedroom door before going out and towards the kitchen.

Yoongi was confused at the sudden change of the female alpha. Yoongi looked at Hoseok was was staring back at him. "So that's your mom, right?" Yoongi said, bending down to place the toddler in his arms on the floor, the pup whining when he lost contact with the omega.

"Yea.. she's always been a little weird. Don't tell her I said that," Hoseok said in a quiet voice. "Hmm, I won't," Yoongi said, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"You look a lot like her," Yoongi said, watching as Hoseok made a funny face.

"Yea.. that's what everyone says," Hoseok responded as he walked past Yoongi to get to his closet. "I better put on some "appropriate" clothes on before my mom scolds me for only having boxers on," the alpha said.

Yoongi's cheeks heated up as he remembered that the alpha was indeed only in his underwear. Yoongi looked away quickly, grabbing Kyubok's hand before dragging the pup out of the bedroom to allow the alpha to have some privacy.

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