Chapter Two

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Shonna needed food and a few things from the store, but at mid-afternoon, it was already getting dark. She bundled up as much as she could, but after experiencing the icy chill, it was clear she hadn't packed sufficient clothes for this trip. Even in a sweater and jacket, she could still feel the cold deep in her soul.

She trekked to the nearby diner. The snow was soaking through her patent leather boots with every step. By the time she made it inside, her face was frozen, her feet were numb, and her hands had turned blue.

"Hey honey, grab a seat. I'll be with you in a sec," the server called.

There were a few patrons, but most of the tables were available. Shonna grabbed a booth near the window and blew air into her hands, attempting to warm them up.

The server arrived, setting down a menu and a glass of water.

"How can it be this cold here?"

"Take it you haven't spent much time up north?"

"No. I'm an Arizona girl. I am used to sunshine and no rain."

The server smiled politely. "I would love to know what that's like. So, what are you doing way up here? Vacation."

"Something like that. I came to see my grandmother, but it turns out she died a while ago. So, now I have no idea why I'm here." Shonna was getting flustered the more she thought about it. Why would her grandmother have sent for her after she was already gone? The mail couldn't have been that slow. There had to be an explanation.

"You must be YoYo's granddaughter. I'm so sorry for your loss, hon."

"Thank you...Beth," she said, glancing at the young woman's name tag.

"She used to come in here all the time with her handsome friend."

Handsome friend?

Did YoYo have a boyfriend?

"What would you like?"

"Can I get a hot coffee and..." Shonna glanced down at the menu. "What's good here?"

"It's all good. But fish 'n' chips is our most popular dish. It was your grandmother's favorite."

"Fish? No thanks. I'll have a Cobb salad."

Shonna couldn't stomach the taste of fish. She hated the smell and even the look of it on the plate. No matter where it came from or who prepared it, it always tasted... fishy.

"Suit yourself."

Beth returned shortly to pour a cup of coffee and then left to tend to the other tables.

After she paid for her unsatisfying dinner, Shonna made the short hike back to her grandmother's house. Her mind was racing, thinking about what important reason her grandmother wanted her here. If it was to claim the house, then why didn't she just leave that in her will like normal people? She would have to sort this out tomorrow and let her family know that YoYo was gone.

As Shonna came upon the narrow walkway surrounded by snow, waiting in the middle of the path was none other than Rocky.

"Oh no, you don't. Not tonight. I'm not getting shaken down by you."

He turned to her expectantly.

"I don't have any snacks for you," she said, attempting to walk around him.

He took a few steps toward her, and she considered making a run for it. What if he chased her? Could she outrun a moose? Where the hell was Charlie when she needed her?

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