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One year later


Jason's eyes locked with hers, and she thought she would melt under his heated gaze. The ceremony was held at the exact spot where he brought her to watch the northern lights.

She spoke first.

"Today, on the hills of Alaska, in front of my family and friends, I marry you, Jason Locklear, my love, my life, my everything. You knocked down the walls I built to protect myself from getting hurt.

"You saw through me. You saw me. And you love me. Just as I am. I had no idea that I was walking around, missing a part of myself. I thought I had it all together. I thought I had all that I needed and could ever want. I was wrong. YoYo knew how wrong I was. Which was why she brought me to you, and I am so grateful she did. I know if she were here today, she would throw her arms around us and bless this union. With all that I am, all that I have, I love you. I promise to love you for the rest of our lives."

He was next.

"Shonna Jackson, you are the most amazing woman I've ever known. Your love for me has chased away the darkness and brought everlasting light to my life. I have no doubts, no fears, no worries, as long as you are by my side. Your warm embrace surrounds me and fills me with the courage and strength I need to be the best man I can be. For you. For us. For our future family.

"YoYo was right about so many things. Nothing more so than the truth of this. I will love you as hard as possible, as long as possible, for as long as my heart beats in my chest, and well beyond. As long as we have each other, we can conquer the world. My spirit is one with yours. My heart is yours. Tle tleix ixsixán, ax shaawádi. I love you forever, my wife."

She fought back the tears, refusing to mess up the makeup she had spent all morning applying.

Next, it was time for the rings.

On cue, Penny trotted forward. Jason delicately removed the pouch containing the rings from around her neck.

"With the ring, I thee wed...."

With an exchange of wedding bands, they were officially connected, bound together in love and life through good times and bad. She knew they would weather the bad times as a unit, as an impenetrable duo, and the good times would sustain them throughout it all.

The officiant proclaimed, "You may now kiss the bride," and her heart pounded in anticipation of his lips.

This would be the first kiss they would share as husband and wife. He looked delectably distinguished in his tuxedo as he towered over her, like James Bond, the gargantuan.

After accepting the job at her grandfather's law firm and working for her dad, she could spend extended amounts of time with Jason right here in Alaska, in YoYo's cabin that he renovated.

Since Jason still ran the inn, they agreed they would divide their time in half, spending six months of the year, spring and summer, together in Alaska and six months, fall and winter, in Arizona.

Rigby, being co-owner of the inn, agreed to take on more responsibility and keep the place up and running smoothly while Jason was out of town.

After they exchanged vows, they shared a magical kiss to punctuate their declarations as husband and wife. Shonna was never one to believe in storybook romance. She would never have imagined her life panning out this way.

Until Jason.

As they sauntered down the aisle hand-in-hand, their loved ones were cheering in excitement for their union, on the way to happily ever after, and she couldn't wait for forever to begin.


Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed Shonna and Jason's story, Snow Place Like Home, stay tuned for the next book in the series. 

Under the Mistle Snow is the second book in the Snowed in for Christmas series. It is a saucy holiday romance about first loves, second chances, and celebrating family in the quirky little town that is Blackstone Bay, Alaska.

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