Chapter Five

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After Shonna picked her jaw off the floor, Jason convinced her to take a tour of the Snow Raven while she waited for her room, his room, to be ready.

"You seem to do pretty well for yourself," she noted, glancing around the lobby. "So, why do you drive that beat-up old pickup?"

If Jason were a more sensitive man, he might have taken offense to that. But he wasn't surprised. He could tell by the way she dressed, while he could admit was very flattering and damn sexy, but not the least bit appropriate for this weather, that she preferred flashy and expensive over practical and comfortable.

"It used to be my dad's," he explained.

Jason could still remember the trips he and his father would take to go fishing, camping, and hiking.

"He gave it to me years ago, and I kept it because it reminds me of the good times we shared." Some of the best memories were of him and his dad and the conversations they shared in that old blue pickup. It was a surprise the truck had lasted so long, but Jason made sure to keep up with the maintenance regularly. It could carry him back and forth to Anchorage as needed. He had been on the way back from a trip there to see his parents yesterday when he was nearly run off the road by Miss Fast and Furious.

She nodded pensively.

"So, what made you change your mind about staying at your grandmother's?"

"Busted pipe," she said.

Then she explained how she tried to take a bath, and the faucet exploded and flooded the bathroom. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, that's funny to you?" There was no hardness to her words, and he caught a small smile twisting at the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, but not for the reason you think." She lifted a brow. "Do you believe in signs, Shonna?"

"Signs? Like messages from above?"

"Something like that."

"Not really. But I believe in common sense and following my gut."

"And how's that worked out for you?"

"Just fine, thank you," she insisted, and he laughed again. This time, she joined him.

He led her outside to his favorite spot on the property, where the deck wrapped around the building, overlooking the bay. The deck extended out to a platform that sat right on the water and was a popular spot where couples came from far and wide to declare their love for each other and exchange wedding vows.

"This view is gorgeous," she said.

How right she was, he thought as he studied her beautiful face. When she was relaxed, without the scowl on her face, she looked like an angel straight from heaven. Jason's heart quickened its pace at the sight. He forced himself to look off into the distance to steady its rhythm.

"It's amazing what you can appreciate when you stop complaining," he teased.

She shot him a look that could cut glass, and to his delight, her fiery eyes reignited.

"You're such an ass."

"And you're a snob. If your nose were any higher, you'd need a spacesuit to breathe."

She scoffed. "You talk to all your guests this way? It's a wonder you don't have any vacancies."

"Most of my guests are happy to be here and not nearly as difficult as you."

"You know what? I don't have to take this shit. This tour is officially over. Goodbye."

It amused him how flustered she got. As she turned on her heel to storm off, he caught her by the wrist and pulled hard, and she spun into him, landing against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in close.

"I um. I uh..." She stumbled.

"You what?" he asked, gazing into her eyes.

They were a whisper away, so he could see every speck of amber and burnt sienna in her irises. He brushed the dark silky lock that had been dancing across her face and tucked it behind her ear.

He knew it was wrong. He was overstepping and needed to stop, but he couldn't control himself. He was drawn to her, like a moth to its fiery grave. Even with the threat of getting burned, and before he had even known who she was. Learning about her relation to YoYo only made their connection that much stronger.

She laid her hand on his chest, but rather than push him away, she kept it there. Here she was, the woman he had heard many stories about over the years, who YoYo had so much love for. He was humbled by the fact that, of all the men in the world she had pictured for her granddaughter, Jason had made the top of her list. He didn't know if he deserved such an honor, but he wanted to prove to YoYo, to Shonna, and especially to himself that perhaps he was that man.

Against the odds, she had shown up right here on his doorstep. It had to be more than coincidence. Whether it was a twist of fate, YoYo pulling the puppet strings, or some odd coincidence, he needed to see it through. He put a hand under her chin and tilted her face to his. Then he went for it, but before he could capture her mouth, she stumbled back out of his grasp, moving a safe distance away. She crossed her arms over her chest, shivering against the sudden gust of wind.

"Why don't we go inside?" he offered.

Her fuzzy purple sweater had a deep neckline, and her umber-coated mounds were threatening to burst out of her thin lace bra. It was hard to ignore the distinct outline of her nipples. He wanted to warm up those tempting droplets in his mouth while she rode him.

He added, "You must be freezing."

She closed her coat to shield herself from his lustful gaze, but she couldn't hide the smile behind her eyes.

"Yes," she responded, nibbling her lower lip.

He was so distracted by the gesture and the sensual sound of her low, husky voice he forgot what the hell his question was.

Damn, he wanted her.

In his bed.

And from the way she was looking at him, he could swear she wanted him, too.

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