Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jason was more nervous than he'd ever been. More nervous than he'd been on his wedding day. By some miracle, he was able to get a flight on Christmas morning by waiting on standby for an available seat. After changing flights in San Francisco, a three-hour layover, and thirteen hours of traveling, he found his way to Phoenix, Arizona.

It was the end of December, and it was eighty degrees outside. It was ridiculous. How could anyone live here?

Jason took a taxi from the airport to the address he lifted from her booking paperwork at his inn. It was nearly 11 PM on Christmas evening, and Jason didn't know if she would be home. He was afraid to call in case she didn't want to see him. He had come this far, and he wanted to take it all the way.

As far as dumb decisions, Jason felt this had to rank at the top of the list. This was either going to be incredibly romantic or terrifyingly psychopathic.

Before long, it was go-time. He had arrived at her house. He paid the cab driver and made his way to the front door. He was still dressed in his heavy coat because he was from Alaska, and it was supposed to be winter, so he was sweating profusely. He worried the perspiration had soaked through his shirt. He had no luggage and no change of clothes because after talking with Alicia, he'd rushed to the airport and got the first flight available out of Anchorage.

Here he was, a sweaty mess, a creepy stalker, about to put his heart on the line and risk the worst rejection and humiliation since he got left at the altar.

Brilliant plan.

He rang the doorbell, bracing for whatever reaction was coming his way. Impatience got the better of him, so he rang it again.

Suddenly, the door flung open, and there she was. In a tank top, no bra, lounge pants that hugged her hips, and a scowl on her beautiful makeup-free face.

His heart skipped a beat as he stood there, staring at like a love struck fool.


Her scowl had disappeared and was replaced with something else, but he couldn't quite place it. Surprise? He couldn't tell if it was a delightful surprise or a terrible one. The way she said his name almost made it sound like it was a welcome surprise, but he could be grasping at straws.

"Hi," was all he could say.

Inside, he was kicking himself. He had gone over and over in his head what he was going to say when he saw her. How he would convince her they belonged together. Instead, it all went out the window as he stood there on her porch in silence.

"Want to come in?" she asked.

At least she was taking pity on him.

"Sure, yeah."

He entered her home and smiled at the sight. The place suited her. Elegant. Lovely. Tidy. Nothing out of place, like she had been expecting company, but he suspected she always kept the place this pristine. The soft lighting gave it a romantic feel, and the air smelled like lavender.

Penny came up to him happily, wagging her tail. Jason gave her a gentle pat on the head. Satisfied with his acknowledgment, the dog returned to her bed across the room. He was happy to see her at home with family where she belonged.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asked him, probably noticing the beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Uh... water, please."

Good. This was good.


It would help cool him down while he got his head together. She returned quickly with a glass, and he drank its contents in one gulp before setting it down at the table nearby.

"Thank you."

"Are you hungry? I can fix you something." Her voice was shaky, and it was then he realized she was nervous too. He wondered if her heart was pounding as fast as his.

"No, thank you. I'm fine."

He hadn't eaten since the day before, but he was too nervous to eat right now.

"Jason, what are you doing here?"

"That's a fair question. I came here because I had to see you."

She just stared at him blankly, waiting for him to continue.

"I know you don't believe in marriage and romance and love at first sight. You're a woman of reason, of logic. You believe in what you can see. Though you may not see my heart beating for you, it does. Though you may not know my heart, it's yours. I don't want anyone else to ever have it."


"I love you. I love the way you frustrate the hell out of me. I love the way you drive like a damn manic. I love that you don't always like to, but will admit when you're wrong. I love how your forehead creases into a little wrinkle when you're looking at me like I've lost my damn mind. Ever since I first saw you on the side of the road, I haven't been able to get you off my mind. I know your life is in the lower forty-eight, and I stay up north, but we can find a way to make it work. We can figure it out if we try. I want to try. The question is, do you want to try with me?"

"Try what exactly?"

"Us. Give us a chance. Is there any part of you that could see yourself falling in love with me? Do you want to be with me?"

Silence washed over them, and it was deafening. Jason wanted to turn and run out the door, but he stood his ground. He had come this far, and he needed to hear her answer. Even if she shot him down, at least he would have given it his all. He would have no regrets. So, he waited. Waited for what seemed like hours for his woman to rip his heart out of his chest with her rejection.

Then, by some surge of courage, he took a step toward her. Her eyes softened, but her lips were trembling. He took another step, and she took a half-step back. That should have stopped him. He should have given up. But he had come this far, so he took one last step, closing the space between them.

"Do you want me?" He asked again.

He stared into her eyes. She tried to look away, but he grabbed her chin, tilting her face up and forcing her to meet his gaze.

Then he bent down and whispered, "Do. You. Want. Me."

He punctuated each word with a kiss. One to her cheek, forehead, another cheek, then finally the tip of her lip.

As soon as he planted the last kiss, her mouth was on his. Hot and hungry. They got lost in each other, and their clothes flew from their bodies.

There was no time to find her bedroom. He backed her into the nearest wall. Once her pants were off, he slid her panties to the side and entered her. She cried out as he thrust himself, and they found their wild, messy rhythm, attempting to fill any space between their bodies with one another. She bucked her hips toward him, devouring every inch of him with her wet pussy. She whispered his name as she came, and it broke him. He let himself get lost in the sensation of his length inside her warm folds as an animalistic growl escaped his lips.

His. Was all he could think.

She was his.

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