Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Everyone was gathered at Jackie and Darren's house for Christmas dinner, except Veronica, who was still at work.

"Thank you all so much for coming," Jackie said. "This year was rocky, but we made it through together. Darren and I are so fortunate to have you in our lives. You're our family. We love you all so much."

"Yeah, yeah. So happy you're here. Let's eat!" Darren added.

The happy couple kissed as everyone clinked glasses. Then they all enjoyed the food Jackie had made, along with some excellent wine and conversation. As dinner was winding down, everyone scattered to different parts of the house.

Braydon and Darren were watching football. Julius and Bertram were on the floor of the living room with Reesie as they played with Penny. Monica was chatting with Jackie in the dining room. Soon Jackie made her way to where Shonna was sitting by herself on the settee near the window, watching the scene unfold.

"So, how was Alaska? I heard bits and pieces from Julius, but you know he doesn't have a good relationship with the facts sometimes."

"It was... life-changing," Shonna admitted.

Jackie raised her eyebrows.

"The weather was freezing, of course. But it was so beautiful there. I can see why YoYo fell in love."

"Veronica said you met someone."

"I... did."

"Well, what's he like?"

"Gorgeous. Oh my god, Jackie. He's so rugged and hard. But he doesn't have those hang-ups most guys have about intimacy and feelings. He just puts it all out there on the table. No games, no bullshit. It was so refreshing."

"He sounds wonderful. What happened?"

"Your brother. He showed up, kissed me, Jason saw, we argued, and I came back here. End of story."

Jackie took a sip of her wine before asking, "I know you and Bray have been hooking up for a while but is it serious?"

"No. I thought it might be. But we ended whatever we were doing before I showed up in Alaska. Then I met Jason, and what I feel for him is...."

"Wait. Are you in love with your Alaskan mountain man? I thought that was a fling."


"Oh my God... Shonna. Do you think he feels the same way?"

"I assume so since he told me he was in love with me."

"You have to tell him!" Jackie squealed.

Shonna laughed at her enthusiasm.

"We just met, Jackie. We had a great time, but it's not like we can have a future together. He lives there. My life is here. No point trying to make it more than what it was."


"Really? That's all you have to say."

"It's your life," she said with a casual shrug, pretending like it made no difference to her, but Shonna knew better.

She continued, "But if I were going to butt in, which I'm not, I would ask you this. If it was just a fling, why do you look so miserable, like this is the last place you want to be right now?"

She had a point, but Shonna wouldn't let her know that.

"I have no idea what you mean."

Jackie rolled her eyes. "Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to protect ourselves from getting hurt that we let stubbornness overrule our true feelings. Look and Darren and me. We let seven years go by without being honest with each other. And we will never get those years back. Thankfully, it all worked out, and we're together now, but what if Darren had never come to Arizona and told me how he felt? Are you willing to lose the man you love because you're scared it won't work out?"

Darren and Jackie broke up in their senior year of college after Darren had gotten Monica pregnant. He was too afraid to tell her the truth, so he pushed her away, and instead of going to law school with her as they had planned, he went to the NFL, moved to Baltimore, and played for the Ravens for seven years while co-parenting with Monica. It wasn't until Darren came to Arizona to help Danny out with his arrest that he finally confessed the truth to Jackie, and she forgave him. Now Darren, Jackie, Monica, and their daughter Reesie were one big, irritatingly happy family.

With that, Jackie sauntered away to make her rounds as hostess.

Shonna hated how right she was. She ached for Jason. Heart, body, and soul. Right now, she would give anything to see him again.

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