Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jason wasn't sure what he was feeling.

Anger? Jealousy? Betrayal?

None of which he had a right to feel. She was free to kiss whomever she wanted. She wasn't his, no matter how much he wished that were the case.

She hadn't wanted him to kiss her in public, but not even an hour later, she was kissing some guy in the lobby of his inn. She had to know he'd be around to see it. There was a pain in his chest that he couldn't quite shake. Had what they shared last night meant nothing to her that she could move so quickly on to the next?

Jason tried his best to put the sight of Shonna wrapped in another man's embrace, eyes closed, lips pressed against his out of his mind. But the image was burned into his retinas, and it was enough to drive him mad. A woman hadn't made him this crazy since Alicia left him at the altar without an explanation.

At first, he feared the worst, believing something bad had happened to her because she never called him, never wrote to him, and never gave him an explanation of why. Then over time, he became angry and bitter.

Eventually, he let it go. The truth was, he wasn't sure when he moved on, but he no longer imagined Alicia showing up on his doorstep and begging him to take her back. He had wanted that for years, until one day, it didn't matter anymore.

"Any woman who would do that doesn't deserve you," YoYo's words echoed in his mind.

He smiled at the thought. In her own way, she had helped him nurse his broken heart, and he loved her for it.

Now here he was, pining for another unattainable woman. But this was different. He and Shonna had just met weeks ago. They didn't have a history that dated back to high school as he had with Alicia. And yet, he felt like he had known that woman her entire life.

After seven years of being alone, he wanted to be with her and only her. Forever. He didn't want her to leave Blackstone. He wanted her to stay with him. And he sure as hell didn't want her kissing another man.


What if she fucked that guy in his damn inn?

Jason was hot at the thought.

"Hey man, you okay?" Rigby asked.

They were loading up Jason's truck with the food they would be served at tonight's event.

"Fine," Jason muttered. He realized he had been seething and gave Rigby a quick breakdown while they drove to Crystal Lakes to set up for the winter festival.

"Sorry, brother. That's rough. Maybe it wasn't what it looked like. Maybe it was her brother," he offered.

Jason just shook his head. And Rigby, sensing he didn't want to discuss it further, drove in silence the rest of the way.

The place looked great this year. As usual, the mayor had gone all out to make the festivities a night to remember. Twinkly lights hung on every nearby tree. Some families were twirling around on the ice, while others were in line for sledding. He put the maddeningly beautiful woman out of his mind, and he and Rigby greeted the hungry guests and served everyone the holiday special, cioppino, a seven-fish seafood stew that they served every year.

"Who's next?" Jason called.

"Can we talk?"

Jason didn't have to look up. He recognized her voice.

"About what?" He tried to remain emotionless, but inside, his blood was boiling.

"What happened earlier...."

He glanced her way, and his heart fluttered wildly. He was angry with her, but he still cared for her. Still wanted her. Still wanted to be with her.

At least she hadn't brought her kissing friend. If she had, he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from hopping over this table and tackling him to the ground.

"Don't know what you're talking about," he lied. "I'm kinda busy here. So, unless you're gonna order."

"Jason, please."

"I'll hold down the fort, brother. You and Miss Honeybun go work out your shit," Rigby ordered.

Jason wanted to protest, but he did as his friend suggested because the last thing he wanted was for the entire town to hear this discussion.

She followed close behind him as he marched away from her. She quickened her pace, struggling to catch up to him.

"Jason. Slow down," she called.

He refused and continued his quest, not sure where the hell he was going.

"You and your lady looking to ride?" the man asked.

The line for sleigh rides was wide open.

Hell no, he wanted to say.

The last thing he wanted was to be trapped in a carriage with this woman.

"We'd love it," she answered before he could shoot the idea down.

He gave her an icy look, but she just smiled at him boldly.

What fresh hell was this?

"It will give us some privacy," she encouraged.

A sleigh pulled up, and Shonna clambered on. Jason sighed and followed her aboard.

"This is about the dumbest thing I've ever done," he grumbled.

"Stop complaining. Even I have to admit, this is all pretty magical. The twinkly lights, the tinsel, and the joyous families running around. Your town is something else, Jason. I can see why YoYo loved it so much. I can see why she loved you so much."

His heart began to race. But his anger got the better of him.

"Shouldn't you be on this thing with your boyfriend instead of me? It's funny. You kept asking me why I was single. I didn't bother to ask you if you were."

"He's not my boyfriend. We have... a history. Braydon and I were involved for a little while back in Arizona."

"It didn't look like history."

"We were never serious. It was more of a casual sex thing than a real relationship. And we broke it off before I came here."

Great. So, he was her rebound.

"Seems like he wants you back."

"He doesn't. And I don't want him. Not anymore. He was trying to convince me to go home for Christmas. His sister, my best friend, and her fiancé are having a special dinner, and they want everyone to be there. Braydon took it upon himself to convince me to come home tonight."

"He came a long way to convince you to come home. Doesn't he have a phone?"

"I've been ignoring his calls. Been a little busy." She smiled at him, but he was too upset to acknowledge it.

"Are you? Going home?"

Even after what she did, the thought of her jumping on a plane and leaving now left him short of breath.

"Eventually, yes. Tonight, no. I want to spend Christmas here. With you."

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