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       A beautiful giant white castle on the moon is seen.Where four guardians live.

      Male Narrator: A woman with brown hair and black eyes can be seen looking out of the window of the castle that she calls home.It has been years since she fell from a portal leading her to this world of fairytale.Earth or Earthland base on what the people of this world called it...she was just a simple girl with a horrible life back then,now look at her happy and content with a family three loving husbands and their only daughter.

Female Narrator: A daughter that is a combination of all four of them...a daughter who is a bit different but they still love her...a daughter that has an unsure destiny...a daughter that they all support even if she's a Rebel....
...A daughter that has three father who's currently being dramatic.

-Andréa's(Sun Empress) POV-

   I sigh,with a smile on my face hearing my three husbands being dramatic about our only child leaving.It's only Ever After High after all.I walk down the hall way leading to my daughter's room...I can already hear my husbands drama from outside the door.

Jack Frost: "You sure you got everything little snowflake?Clothes?Your sword?Your staff?"Jack asked worriedly

Kieran: "(Chuckles)I got it all Dad don't worry"Kieran said assuring one of her fathers

Sandy: "(Sniff)Can't she just stay here?Tsar she's been homeschooled her whole life.Can't she just stay here?(Sniff)I don't want out little dreamer to go"Sandy asked between sniffles...guess he cried,my poor sandy

Tsar(Man In The Moon): "I'm afraid not...Our dear wife said she needs this so she can have friends"MiM said sadly

Kieran: "I'm an anti-social for a reason father"Kieran said sassily I can already feel her rolling her eyes at her fathers

   I shake my head affectionately deciding to enter the room"No,your an introvert.That's why Ever After High is the best place where you can make friends little warrior'.Although Grimm can get on your nerves since he always insist for the children of every fairytale characters to act and follow their parents 'Destiny' "I said with a slight smile.My three husbands and our daughter turn their heads to me immediately with a smile

Kieran: "Mama!"Kieran said excitedly immediately hugging me

    She's taller than be but nonetheless she's still our little girl"Hello,little warrior.Are you all set to go now?"I asked her after we break off from the hug,my three husbands already by my side.Kieran nodded,hooking up his back over her shoulder.

Kieran: "Yup.All set"Kieran said with a smile

   I hum at her questioningly.Kieran looked confused but immediately realized what i mean.Closing her blue eyes and concentrating,her once short white hair turns to brown before opening her eyes.She looks a bit sad but it's necessary to hide who's daughter she is for her own safety"We're so sorry that you have to hide who you are little warrior"I said apologeticly.

Sandy: "We just want you safe little dreamer"Sandy said standing on my left

Tsar(Man In the Moon): "Besides.Once you've graduated we promise that you don't have to hide anymore"MiM said with a a smile beside Jack who is standing on my right

Jack: "Yes.And we haven't heard from him...since the last time"Jack said looking out the window,his eyes narrowing slightly.

Kieran: "I know don't worry.I promise I'll try my best to not reveal anything.Unless it's necessary"Kieran promised

   "Good.Now let's get going.Ever After High is a day away since you wanted to take the carriage"I said teasingly.Kieran only smiled but I can see mischief in her eyes...just like Jack's.

Tsar(Man in the Moon): "Daisy,Daffodil,and Gladiolus are already there.You have a dorm well...a whole part of the school's tower just for you actually,little Star"MiM said with a proud smile.Making our daughter groan annoyed making me giggle and my three husband chuckle.

Kieran: "I told you four that I don't like special treatments.It's not fair for other students"Kieran said with a sigh

Sandy: "Sorry little dreamer.But Grimm wanted to make sure you have a special treatment since your the daughter of 'The Empress of the Sun' "Sandy said dramatically making me glare at him,in which he only smiled innocently.

   "Oh,hush,you sand pile.Now let's go.We don't want you to be late on your arrival after all"I said walking to the door as my family followed me.

-Kieran's POV-

     Why did I have to go to Ever After High?I already know EVERYTHING.I'm just anti-social is all.I'm not comfortable when people that are Royals and Rebels don't get a long it always makes me sad to see that.I can feel myself slightly shake...Anxiety is not a good thing for anyone specially me.I don't like being away from my family.

Andréa(Mama): "Little warrior what's wrong your more quiet than you normally are"Mama asked worried once we're outside.

Sandy(Papa): "Little dreamer relax.Your shaking"Papa said comfortingly.

   I nod taking a deep breath.Immediately feeling calm when Dad put a hand on my shoulder.

Jack(Dad): "Hey,hey.What's wrong?"Dad asked standing infront of me.

    "I don't want to be away from you guys.I'm afraid that you' gone... because less children are believing now a days"I said sadly.My parents smiled at me specially Dad

Jack(Dad): "Are you saying that you'll stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?"Dad asked.

I shake me head 'no'

Jack(Dad): "Do you stop believing in the sun when clouds bloke it?"Dad asked again

I shake my head again

Jack(Dad): "Will YOU stop loving US once YOU'RE away?Will WE stop loving YOU when YOU'RE away?"Dad asked me

I chuckled shaking my head"No.Never"I said making them smile

Jack(Dad): "We'll always be with you little snowflake.Well always be here.Remember that"Dad said pointing at where my heart is making me nod smiling.

"I will.I promise"I said hugging him which he returned tightly.I turned to my other parents hugging them just as tight.I can see tears that they hold back in their eyes"I'll miss you four.I love you"I said after hugging Mama.

Andréa(Mama): "We'll miss you too have fun yeah? And remember that-"

Jack/MiM/Sandy/Andréa: "-We love you and whenever you miss us-"

"-Look up in the sky moon or no moon,night or day you'll be there for me"I said crying a bit.With one last hug.I carried my bag with me hopping in the carriage,waving bye at them.Then...I was off to Ever After High.

Male Narrator: And as the carriage with pegasus flew off.Her story begins in Ever After High

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