Chapter 19-(Lizzie Shuffles the Deck)

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Location:Croquet Field
-No One's POV-

Lizzie:"And that is how it's done.As the royal team captain and future queen of hearts.I command you to beat those Rebels"Lizzie commanded.

As Lizzie point at Raven,Maddie,Cedar,Kitty,and Kieran.All of them are playing except for Kieran who only leans on her staff teasing Kitty as she carefully score.

All of them are playing except for Kieran who only leans on her staff teasing Kitty as she carefully score

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Kieran:"Here,Kitty,kitty.Shoot the ball carefully now.That's a good Kitty,a very cute one too"Kieran said teasingly with a smirk

Kitty:"I swear to wonderland!If you keep on teasing me I will hit you on the head with this mallet Kieran!"Kitty said annoyed and flustered pointing the mallet at Kieran.

Kitty:"I swear to wonderland!If you keep on teasing me I will hit you on the head with this mallet Kieran!"Kitty said annoyed and flustered pointing the mallet at Kieran

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Kieran:"Ok,ok,I give,I give"Kieran said with both hands up in surrender but still smirking

      Raven,Maddie,and Cedar giggled at their playful banter.Lizzie,Apple,Briar,and Blondie looked at them in jealousy.

Briar:"But(sigh)we've been trying and we're not just not very good"Briar said sighing

Apple:"Lizzie,why don't you give us a Royally inspirational speech"Apple encourage

Lizzie:"Ok.Play better or.OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"Lizzie screamed"And Briar,off with your head!"Lizzie screamed pointing at the panicked Briar"And Blondie-"Lizzie said but got cut off by Blondie herself.

Blondie:"Ok.This is just so not right.We quit"Blondie said dropping the mallet walking away with Briar and Apple doing the same

Briar & Apple:"Yeah,see you Lizzie/Terribly sorry"

     As the three walked away,Lizzie scoffed at them.

Lizzie:"Fine"Lizzie said annoyed before hitting the ball,hard.

    The ball was headed to where Ashlynn and Hunter are having a date but luckily Kieran flew up and caught it in her hands.Kieran frown looking at Lizzie.Kieran landed near Lizzie dropping the ball on the ground

Kieran:"Hey?You ok Love?"Kieran asked

Lizzie:"I'm fine now.Go away or.Off with your head!"Lizzie screamed at Kieran

     Kieran flinched looking at Lizzie,feeling hurt.She nods quietly before flying to where the Rebels are still being quiet.Lizzie sigh frustrated,upon realizing what she did.

Location: Cafeteria

     Lizzie sat by herself sighing sadly and then cut the heads of the broccolis that's on her tray.Briar saw this and decided to sit with Lizzie.

Briar:"Lizzie,you know if you wanna have more friends.Maybe you shouldn't act so-"Briar said but Dexter cut her off

Dexter:"Excuse me can I borrow your salt?"Dexter asked Lizzie

Lizzie:"NO!Off with the salt!"Lizzie screamed making Dexter ran away screaming

Briar:"Lizzie.Why do you always have to yell?You also hurt Kieran's feelings you know,she doesn't like being yelled at"Briar said frowning.

      Lizzie and Briar turned to where Kieran sulked,sitting with Raven,Maddie,Kitty,and Cedar.Kieran only poked her food not even trying to take a bite.

Lizzie:"My mother says it's the only way to rule your subjects"Lizzie said guilty still looking where Kieran sat

Briar:"We're not your subjects We're your friends.Hey,when did you talk to your mom?" Briar asked curiously

Time Skip(Location:Lizzie's Dorm& Duchess Dorm Room)

Lizzie:"She gave me a daily deck of instructions for the whole school year"Lizzie said holding cards templates letting Briar read them.

Briar:"'Rule my way,I'll be watching'.Being Royal,it doesn't mean we have to do exactly what our parents did.I like to think the details are up to us"Briar said smiling before leaving

Lizzie:"Mother told me to follow her words.But she didn't say in what order"Lizzie said as she cut some of words from her cards templates

Lizzie:"True Friends,Not Subjects.I will rule my way"Lizzie said as she put the words above the picture of Apple,Blondie,and Briar

Time Skip(Location:Croquet Field)

      Blondie,Apple,and Briar talked and laugh when Lizzie approach them.

Apple:"(Giggle)Oh!"Apple said when a bit startled when they saw Lizzie approach

Lizzie:"Hey guys.Well,I've acted a bit off to my friends.Forgive me?"Lizzie said nervously yet sincerely

Apple:"Of course!"Apple said happily as they went beside Lizzie

Blondie:"Grab a mallet.And let's show those Rebels who's wicked"Blondie said

      The four of them giggled and laugh

Apple/Blondie/Briar/Lizzie:"Off with their heads!"The three said laughing

      Lizzie stopped laughing when she saw Kieran who still looks sad beside Maddie.

Lizzie:"Which reminds me,I still have one person to apologize to"Lizzie said approaching the Rebel side

Lizzie:"Kieran?Can I talked to you for a bit?"Lizzie asked once she was near them.

     Kieran looked at Lizzie then looked at Raven,Maddie,Kitty,and Cedar who shrugged.Kieran nodded as they went away but not to far to talk.

Lizzie:"I apologize for yelling at you I'd didn't mean to let my frustration out on you.I hope you can forgive me"Lizzie saod looking down frowning.

     Kieran didn't say anything,but she held Lizzie's chin and lift her head up so they can look at each other.

Kieran:"I forgive you,but...You Miss.Hearts owe me a date"Kieran said smirking

     Lizzie blushed bright red stuttering.Kieran only looked at her amused giving her a kiss on the cheek only making her more flustered.

Kieran:"Well you have my number Love.So I'll wait for the details yeah?And good luck on beating the Rebel side"Kieran said still smirking before walking away.

     Lizzie still stand there stunned and flustered.She has a date with Kieran.She has to plan a date with Kieran.Ohhh she's gonna need some help alright.Lizzie only snapped out of it when Apple called her over.Maybe Apple can help her.

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