Chapter 8-(Catching Kieran)

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(This is a short Chapter so I do apologize on that)

-Kieran's POV-

      "I'll murder those two at the end of the fucking day if they'll act as if they're blind with each other"I said to Daisy that's currently at my shoulders cawing as if laughing.I'm looking at a Dense Dexter Charming and a Lovesick C.A Cupid.I feel like I'm being tortured seeing those two run around their feelings with each other.Cupid likes Dexter but kept her mouth shut.Dexter has a crush on Raven,but when he's with Cupid he looks like he has a crush on Cupid and not Raven"I'll give those two two days before I do anything"I said annoyed when I saw Dexter being sweet at a flustered Cupid.Fucking Dense Clueless Prince and a Silent Inlove Cupid.

Time Skip(Two Days Later)

     "Yup I'm gonna murder them"I said to myself.I watch as Cupid walks away from Dexter before approaching him"Hey Dex"I said smiling at him.

Dexter:"Kieran!Oh!Perfect timing Cupid said you can help me!"Dexter said excitedly.

    ....Cupid,what did you do"Help with what?"I asked him tilting my head to the side a bit.I think I made that a habit by accident now.

Dexter:"I was going to ask on how to get a girl to date you but.Can I be honest with you?...I've had a Crush on Raven for a long time now but..."Dexter trailed off.

    "But???"I asked him.Motioning for him to continue.

Dexter:"Cupid happen and well...I'm confused with my feelings now(sigh)"Dexter said sighing.

     I nod in understanding"Hmmm...well then how about this I want you to close your eyes and imagine a life without Raven"I said to him.Dexter nodded slowly closing his eyes doing what I said.I waited for a few minutes for a reaction"You can open them now"I said.Dexter opened his eyes looking fine"Tell me what it feels like"I said.

Dexter:"It was fine?It was just like a good friend saying goodbye to me but we'll see each other one day"Dexter said thoughtfully.

   "Okay.Good.Now I want you to imagine a life without Cupid"I said.Dexter nodded closing his eyes again.After a few minutes he opened his eyes a bit panic looks like he wants to cry"Woah now Dex.It wasn't real remember.Now tell me what it felt like"I said encouraging him.

Dexter:"T-terrible!It felt like my heart was gone!All I could see was darkness like...I couldn't live without her"Dexter said slowly in realization.

     I nod at him"You like Raven but you love Cupid.Raven is a crush that you LIKE while Cupid is a crush that you LOVE"I said to him.

Dexter:"T-Then what do you think should I do?"Dexter asked me.

     I smiled at him"I want you to follow your heart.I won't really say what you should do trust your heart"I said to Dexter.

Dexter:"Right!Thanks Kieran!I have to go.I have to tell Cupid something!"Dexter said happily running to find Cupid.

      I smiled as see him run away.The wind picked up making me smile.It looks like it's time for my morning flight.

Raven's POV-

       I walked around the school hurriedly.Briar has a party this Friday and I wanted to asked some girls in the school wants to ask her too even Maddie!I need to find her fast.

     I went to the library making sure to be quite.Kieran loves the library sometimes she'll spend hours here.I went to favorite spot but she wasn't there.I groan walking out of the library.I saw some girls asking where Kieran is wanting to talk to her.

     I went to book end seeing if there's any signs of her.Sometimes I think Kieran can turn herself invisible or just fly away somewhere.

     I went to the forest where she loves to hangout with her White Raven Daisy.I sigh sadly,she wasn't here either.I decided to just go back to Ever After High.I went to the back of the school sitting there looking at the Sunset.

Kieran:"Mind if I sit here?"Kieran said behind me.

   I turned around smiling at her"Kieran!S-sure come on"I said excited yet nervous.Kieran sat beside me smiling at me before turning to look at the sunset.

Kieran:"It's perfect"Kieran said suddenly

   "H-Huh?"I asked after being distracted.Kieran looked at the sunset with a content smile on her lips.I may not see the upper part of her face but I know she's content and happy at this moment.

Kieran:"I heard Briar has a party this Friday.I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"Kieran asked shyly

    I looked at her shocked but I nod immediately smiling"Of course I will Kieran!"I said happily.

Kieran:"Good I thought I was going to go alone.I'm not really good at parties...Well since you'll be going with me just a heads up.It's going to be the first time someone will see me without my hood up"Kieran said casually before standing up.

    Kieran offer me her hand,which I took helping me stand up to my feet.

Kieran:"Let's go yeah?I'll walk you to your dorm.It'll be rude of me if I left a princess all by herself after all"Kieran said giving me gently smile making me blush.

       I nod letting her walk me.I leaned to her shoulders as we walk.I felt her tense up but immediately relaxes...I could get use to this if someday we'll end up together.

My Own Destiny (Ever After High x Oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant