Chapter 14-(Sick & Finally!!!!!)

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          It was a normal day in Ever After High.Apple slowly work her way to regained what respect Kieran had for her before,for Apple they were friends,and for Kieran they're still....acquaintance,or something like that.

-Kieran's POV-
        I sat  Raven,Maddie,Cerise,Cedar,Goldie,Cupid,Hunter,Ashlynn,Apple,Briar,Darling,Dexter,and Daring.All of us are currently outside enjoying the peaceful day.Kieran was the most relax,having her head laid on Raven's lap with her eyes closed but still awake.She had to deal with Briar and Blondie the other day during Apple's birthday since they tried to poison her,only because Apple wanted Raven to poison her so Briar secretly put a potion of Raven's cake that Apple would eat.And then there's the Cedar situation after that.And she's still exhausted from the True Hearts Day preparation that they did.

Daring:"Ah!It isn't everyday that it's peaceful"Daring said enjoying the air

Briar:"I'll say.I think Kieran enjoys this day more than us(Giggle)"Briar said giggling

     All of them looked amused at Kieran who grumbled turning to face Raven's stomach instead and hug her waist making Raven blush.

Kieran:"Maybe don't do anything stupid for a day and give me a break.I'm still exhausted keeping you all out of trouble...Specially Raven and Apple"Kieran grumbled quietly but they still heard her.

Cupid:"I forgot how adorable you are when exhausted!"Cupid said while hugging her now boyfriend's arm,Dexter,looking at Kieran

    Kieran said something but it was muffled making the girls giggle and the guys chuckled.They stopped when Kieran coughed,it's the seventh time that she coughed that day and it's worrying everyone specially Cupid.

Cupid:"Kieran?Are you sure your ok?I know it's rare for you to get sick,but are you ok?"Cupid asked.

     Kieran sat up coughing with a hand over her mouth.

Kieran:"Ye(Cough)Yeah!Just the chest pain again(Cough)"Kieran said finally stopped on coughing

Blondie:"That's the fourth time of the day that you complained about the chest pain"Blondie said frowning in worry

Maddie:"Yeah!Maybe you should go rest in your dorm for a bit!Don't worry we'll tell the Headmaster that you'll be excuse for the day!"Maddie said cheerfully but you can see her looking worried at Kieran

Kieran:"Fine,fine I'll go rest.Call me if Raven and Apple did something stupid again"Kieran said walking away smirking

Raven & Apple:"Hey!"the two protest pouting making everyone snicker at them

Location: Kieran's Dorm Room

      Kieran sat on her bed breathing heavily with a hand gripping on her chest she couldn't even take a damn nap.It was an hour now.

Kieran:"W-what's hap-(Cough)"Kieran didn't finish her sentence when she cough up blood.

     Kieran looked at her hands shocked still coughing.Her White Raven,Daisy saw this and immediately flew to where Cupid is.

-Cupid's POV-

     I sat with Raven,Maddie,Cerise,Apple,and Briar.We're on the back of the school talking about Kieran since this girls are worried about her.Apple won't admit it but she's falling inlove with Kieran and I know what love is when I see one.

My Own Destiny (Ever After High x Oc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ