Chapter 6-(Here Comes Cupid & New Friends)

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       C.A Cupid.Adopted daughter of Eros the God of Love.She currently attends Monster High,but is about to discover another school is in need of her very special talent.

-Kieran's POV-

     I was in the forest leaning against a tree,just enjoying the fresh wind,when I felt a new aura and Magic.Hmmm...someone just came from another dimension?I hope they're not here for trouble.I heard rustling to my right.I know it wasn't dangerous base on it's aura.Then a little Dire Wolf jump out of the bush,looking around then it spotted me.I smiled at the Dire Wolf when I sense his fear"Hello little one"I said offering my hand to the wolf letting it sniff.Then the dire wolf tackled me,licking all over my face"Hey!Hahaha!Down girl down!"I laugh trying to stop the happy Dire Wolf.

      I senses two aura coming to us fast.Hmm...Cerise and Ramona are here.Must be to get this cheeky Dire Wolf.I manage to carry the dire wolf under it's armpit.The Dire Wolf looked at me happily,tail wagging,and gave me a happy bark.I chuckled at this,I smiled when I sense both Ramona'a and Cerise's aura behind the bushes"Cerise,you can come out now.I know your there"I said carrying the dire wolf like a baby.I heard Cerise gasp and she slowly came out of the bush.

Cerise:"H-How did you know I was here?"Cerise asked cautiously.

    I shrugged smiling gently at her.My hood is still up after the dire wolf tackled me that's good"You can tell your sister to come now too.I can sense her"I said casually.Cersise looked at me shocked turning around to the bush where Ramona looked at me as if I just commit a crime.I pouted at them making them blush"Don't look at me like I just commit a crime"I said to them.

Cerise:"But how did you know we were here?"Cerise asked

Ramona:"Carmine likes you that's a shocker"Ramona said looking at the Dire Wolf that's playful biting my hand.

   "I can sense someone's Aura and Magic.And sensing Red Riding Hood and Big Badwolf mix with your girls aura isn't really hard for me to know who and where you two are"I said.Cerise and Ramona bodies tense at what I said.I said Carmine gently on the ground petting her head before I stand up straight.Then a red blur launch itself to me, luckily I managed to balance my footing.

Cerise:"Please don't tell anyone!Please you can't!"Cerise begged holding me by the collar.

   I blink a few times.I looked at Cerise and Ramona's sacred and worried face,confused"Why the ever living fuck would I tell anyone about a secret that's clearly personal"I said bluntly.I think I shocked them more with me cursing.You don't hear anyone curse in this fairytale world that often after all"If I wanted to tell someone I would have done it the first day I sense you both"I said with a deadpan face.

Ramona:"You knew?"Ramona asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes.Just like I said before,your girls aura are unique.Besides..."I said.I pull my hood down with a smirk I let my brown hair flash to white for a moment.I saw both Ramona's and Cerise's eyes widen in shock"...your not the only one who's hiding a secret"I said.

Cerise:"Who's your parents then?No one knows anything about you expect your first name"Cerise said curiously.

     I saw Carmine played with her tail beside Ramona making me smile"Let's play guessing game yeah?It's more fun that way"I said.I think Dad's playfulness is rubbing off on me.

Ramona:"Awesome...You remind me of someone actually"Ramona said as she and Cerise looked at me closely.But blushed when they looked me in the eyes.

"Hmm...Go on,just a heads up.I'm a Miracle Blessing Child.So you may have a bit of trouble trying to think who I am"I said climbing up the tree,and sat on a branch.

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