Chapter 16-(Rebel's Got Talent)

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Location: School Stage

-No One's POV-

     Raven walked to the center of the stage holding her guitar.

Grimm:"Raven Queen.What evil act are you going to perform for this year's talent show?"Grimm asked curiously

    But Raven just played her guitar normally with a calm serenade.

Grimm:"No,no,no,no,Miss Queen.This music is too...Nice.If you will not give performance suitable to a student of your destiny-"Grimm said but Raven cut him off.

Raven:"Since my story didn't exactly go 'POOF'.I think it's safe to change it up(Nervous Laugh)Do something you know.Not Evil"Raven said

Grimm:"Nevertheless.Sparrow Hood has already signed up to play the guitar"Grimm said

Sparrow:"Sparrow's gonna show you a big job!"Sparrow sang annoyingly as always,walking up the stage

Raven:"But I've been practicing my guitar solo for a month"Raven said

Sparrow:"Practice is for losers!Oh!"Sparrow sang in Raven's face.

     Raven got annoyed her dark aura surrounded her and grab Sparrow by the collar of his shirt.

Raven:"Grrr!Bring it on like fairy song!-Oh,I mean"Raven said nervously snapping out of it.

Grimm:"That's more evil"Grimm said nodding in a convince way

Time Skip

     It seems Sparrow really is trying to get on Raven's nerves.Everywhere Raven practice he makes sure to interrupt for a bit before leaving shortly after.

Raven:"Grrr.Sparrow is really annoying me!"Raven complain while tuning up her guitar.

Maddie:"Oh don't be a worry flurry!I'm sure you'll do hex-celent!Well I don't know about Kieran though"Maddie said looking at the sulking girl sitting beside Cedar

Kieran:"I didn't want to enter the competition"Kieran sulked

     Cedar,Raven,and Maddie couldn't help but think she's adorable right now.

Cedar:"Then why did you enter?"Cedar asked putting a comforting hand on Kieran's shoulder

Kieran:"Mama was the one that signed me up"Kieran sulked more now and ended up hugging a flustered Cedar for comfort

Maddie:"Why do you NOT want to enter though?Cupid said you have a beautiful voice"Maddie said cheerfully and maybe a bit jealous with Raven that Kieran is hugging Cedar

Kieran:"Too many people"Kieran sulked,burying her face on Cedar's neck trying to hide

Raven/Maddie/Cedar:"Awwweee!Your Adorable"The three couldn't help but hush at Kieran being adorable right now.

Time Skip(Day of the Performance)

Maddie:"That was Cedar Wood and her little friend Splinter.Who oddly enough can only lie"Maddie said

     The audience cheer and clap.The judges are Grey Earl who gave cedar a perfect score,Lizzie Hearts who gave Cedar a disapproving score,and Kitty Chesire who also gave Cedar a perfect score.

Maddie:"Next up is,Oh!It's Kieran who's going to sing and play the Piano for us!"Maddie said excitedly and left the stage happily.

     Kieran walked to the stage wearing a simple white shirt,black pants,and black boots.The three pigs fastly set up the Piano immediately leaving after.Kieran sat down infront of the piano taking a deep breath and then...she sang,her fingers move perfectly through the Piano.

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