Chapter 30-(Date Night& Suspicion)

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-No One's POV-

    "I'm not the only one who's noticing it right?"Bonnie asked with a frown as she Nathan and Polar are inside Kieran's Dorm

     "No.You aren't the only one"Polar said as he glares at the table infront of him

      "Crimson arrived just in time to save Kieran and the others inside of Kieran's book.She's making sure everyone of them including US is safe specially KIERAN as if something is going to happen.On top of it all she out of nowhere brought 20 more of her friends!"Nathan ranted frustrated

         "They know something.I've seen some of them sneaking out and in of the forest but they always have a box with them.Kieran told me she's been suspicious too and she let Daisy spy for a little bit.So far nothing serious except for plants they've been collecting and maybe a bit of questionable liquid"Polar said thoughtfully

     "Questionable liquids is not serious to you"Nathan said with a deadpan face

     "Let's observe them a little bit longer maybe we'll find out why.And hopefully it's not something dangerous"Bonnie said worriedly

(Location:Apple's & Raven's Room)

    Raven is seen panicking and keeps on getting some jewelry in her box.

Raven:"I think I'll wear this bracelet.Or-Ummm-Maybe this ring.Oh!This necklace would look nice"Raven kept on rambling nervously

    Apple who was on her side of the dorm smiled bitterly at Raven.She's been thinking about her own feelings for Kieran and she couldn't deny it anymore.She's inlove with Kieran Oneiros.Problem is she's still with Daring and she's afraid of what people will say specially her mother and how this could affect her story.

Apple:"It's a night at the movies,Raven.Nit a final exam"Apple said jokingly

Raven:"I know.I know(Sigh)I'm way more nervous than I expected.I mean this is my first actual date and first relationship with THE Kieran Oneiros"Raven said then there was a knock on the door

Raven:"She's here!"Raven said and hurriedly open the door.

    Upon opening the door Kieran immediately boop Raven on the tip of her nose and kissed her on the forehead immediately making Raven smile and calm down

    Upon opening the door Kieran immediately boop Raven on the tip of her nose and kissed her on the forehead immediately making Raven smile and calm down

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(Kieran's Outfit,Hairstyle,And Gifts for Raven)

Kieran:"Hi feathers.I brought you Flowers and some chocolates"Kieran said lovingly as she presented her gift

Raven:"(Gasp)You remembered my favorite chocolate brand!Thank you,Dove!Come in,I'll just have to set the bouquet in a vase then we can leave"Raven said as she happily find a vase

   Kieran entered the dorm but made sure to politely stay near the door not wanting to invade any privacy than she already has.Apple glace at Kieran and her heart started beating fast,she was blushing slightly,but she felt comfortable,warmer,it felt like home for her.

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