Chapter 2

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"When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."



Ophelia's P.O.V

It had been a few years since Helios hatched and we have been close to each other every single day. For some reason, he was quite attached to me. 

He used to follow me around like a puppy. I had to stop him from entering the bathroom with me as well. 

He didn't understand why, but he slowly learnt that the bathroom was an off limit area.

Since the day he hatched, I had contemplated about whether or not I should put him in the cage, but it seemed unethical. 

So I let him roam free around the house as long as he didn't make any mess. When night time came, he would sleep on the same bed as me. 

He was still small but as he grew, I got a different mattress for him and made him sleep on the floor in the same room as me. 

Both of us had a mutual understanding and I could consider him my best friend. I never had a pet before. 

It felt great. It never crossed my mind that my first pet would turn out to be a dragon. 

I never took care of anything else before except my plants so having him around made life less boring and more exciting.

He started accompanying me whenever I went to find food. He slowly became larger and larger, he no longer needed me to constantly feed her meat, he was able to hunt on his own. 

It started with smaller animals like rabbits and his prey slowly became larger and larger. He started hunting deer as well and he was really good at it. 

At that moment, he was the size of a large dog. 

Helios had definitely become a Juvenile and just like us witches, dragons could live for a long time that he would still remain young for a longer period of time. Between the two, they definitely live longer.

"Helios, I am going to work right now okay. You behave around the house okay, don't be naughty." I reminded him. He made a sound as if he wanted to say 'yes' and I entered my room.

Several hours later, I walked out from my room and I called for Helios. Usually, I could hear the sound of his wings flapping whenever I called his name. This time, instead of a heavy footsteps and wing flaps, I heard the sound of footsteps.

"Master!" A young boy's sound echoed throughout the room. I raised my brow in confusion and suddenly, I saw him. A young boy, probably around seven or eight years old with golden skin, light blonde hair and red eyes. He was butt naked and seemed so excited to see me.

"Master, have you finished your work?" I froze for a moment and stared at the boy. I used my magic to cover his body with some clothes before I asked him any questions.

"Child, where did you come from? Where are your parents and why are you naked in my house?" She asked. The boy's expression fell.

"Master, it's me, Helios. You couldn't recognize me?" He looked like he was about to cry but instead of feeling pity for the boy, I was skeptical.

"That's not possible. Did you see my dragon? Are you a human?" I asked. The boy looked annoyed because I didn't believe him.

"If I show you, will you believe me then?" He asked. I nodded and the boy closed his eyes and transformed into Helios the dragon. I couldn't believe my own eyes. 

Helios walked toward me and placed his cheek on my legs. I knelt so my height would match his.

"Helios, you could turn into a boy? Like a human boy?" I asked. Instead of answering, he transformed back into human form, still naked and once again I had to cover his body with cloth before listening to his answer.

"Yes, I can. Look, I have to hands and two legs just like you now. Am I a good boy, master? Do you love me more, now?" He asked innocently, seemingly proud of this new skill. I couldn't believe my own eyes. 

The dragon I raised became a boy!?

"Okay, if you are actually Helios, how did you transform into this human like form?"

"I also have no idea, but it seems like after I reached a certain age, I can change my body like this." He proudly twirled around to show me his human physics.

"I guess I will have to find out more about it later." I made a mental note.

"One more question, Helios how can you speak human language? I've never taught you anything." I asked him.

"I just observed you whenever you speak to me and you also like to speak to yourself." I wanted to face palm myself. 

In the past few years, I had done some embarrassing thing around Helios, including changing my clothes in front of him. Could he be watching me the entire time?

"Master, why is your face like that, you are not happy to see me like this?" He asked once again looking like he was about to cry. 

I guessed even though he was a dragon, age-wise he was still just a child. I should treat him accordingly.

"No, I like you no matter what you look like, Helios. You are a good and handsome boy in this form and adorable in your dragon form." I touched his cheek briefly and patted his head. His hair was soft, it felt just like a normal human's hair. 

After hearing my praise, a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Then, I will show this form more often so master will like me even more. It's also more comfortable, right? With this form, I can sleep on the same bed as master just like I used to." He had his hopes high. 

I sighed, unable to go against his adorable face. Well, at the moment, he was still a child, so sleeping on the same bed should be fine.

I wondered at the time if he would grow up to be just like a human male. It would be awkward to sleep on the same bed as him when that day came. 

However, during this time, I didn't want to think unnecessary thoughts so I just let things flew naturally.

"By the way, Helios. You shouldn't call me master. You can just call me by my name, Ophelia." I corrected him. Hearing him calling me master felt odd. I just couldn't get used to it.

"Is that true, master? Can I really call you by your first name?" His eyes gleamed and I nodded.

"Now try saying it." I suggested.

"Ophelia." Hearing my name being called by someone else after over four hundred years surprisingly felt good, especially when it's coming from an adorable face like Helios'.

"That's good, Helios. From now on, you will call me Ophelia. You will be my familiar and friend. My loyal companion." I patted his head again. He looked at me in the eyes and said in a calm voice.

"Then, that means we will be together forever, right?" He asked.

"Of course, we will be together forever." 

I promised him. 

At this point, I didn't know that my promise to this young dragon boy would tie my fate to his for eternity and started the beginning of an obsession.

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