Chapter 12

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"The important thing to know about an assassination or an attempted assassination is not who fired the shot, but who paid for the bullet."

-Eric Ambler-


Nicholas' P.O.V

I couldn't believe what just happened. I just rode a dragon. Before that day, I wouldn't even believe that dragon even existed. I didn't know what to think.

As I jumped down from the dragon, I could see his red eyes glaring at me. If it wasn't for Ophelia, I was sure this dragon named Helios would have devoured me.

They didn't want anyone finding out about the dragon's existence just yet so I was placed right outside the capital, a little far from the palace but still much closer compared to walking back here from the mountain.

"We've arrived, your majesty." She said. I tried climbing down from the dragon but since it was my first time, I stumbled a bit.

She saw me struggling and jumped down, then held out her hand to help me down.

"Come, I'll help you." I took her hand and she pulled me down.

"Thank you for bringing me back. I would definitely pay you back for today." I told Ophelia who went back to ride her dragon.

"Don't worry about that. Just take care of yourself, your majesty." She replied.

"Please, call me Nicholas when we are alone. You saved me, after all. I owe you my life."

"Sure, if that's okay with you." Shesmiled before bidding her goodbye.

"Okay, Nicholas. Goodbye."

With that, the dragon flew back to the sky until they disappeared from my sight. My heart skipped a beat.

That witch, Ophelia, she was truly a kind woman. I definitely needed to repay her back later on.

I needed to get back to the palace. I ran back until a royal knight found me and escorted me back to the palace. Piore was the first to found me.

"Your highness. I'm so glad you're back." He looked relieved.

"Yes, where's my mother? I want to see her.

"Certainly, this way." I was led to the throne room.

When I arrived, everyone was already waiting for me anxiously since the hunting hour had finished yet there was no sight of me.

My mother, the empress, rushed to my side and gave me a hug alongside my sister.

"My goodness, Nicholas. I'm so glad you are back. There was a news of you missing in the mountain. I was so afraid." She nearly cried and I rarely saw my mother cried.

"It's fine. I had a little accident but everything is fine now." I reassured her. Before anything, I needed to face the emperor.

My father was clearly worried for me as well but he needed to maintain his composure, he was the emperor, after all.

"Greeting to your majesty." I greeted him politely.

"Where have you been, my son? Everyone here was worried about you. Explain everything." He ordered.

"Something strange happened to my horse. My guess is someone must have sabotaged the competition by giving my horse a stimulant in the middle of the competition. It's my fault for not being more careful, your majesty. I apologize." I admitted my fault and the truth.

"Hm... who in the world would cheat on my son like this. Investigate this matter. I would punish whoever did this to you. That person has brought shame to the royal competition!" The emperor declared and gave his decree.

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