Chapter 34

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"There is no such thing as accident, it is fate misnamed."

-Napoleon Bonaparte-


Nicholas' P.O.V

"Your majesty, the engagement party will start soon." The head butler reminded me and I nodded.

Today would be the day I got engaged with Clarice Luvenia.

After all the efforts I did to win Ophelia and cancelled my engagement, it never worked. I still remembered when Serena came back to the palace that day and informed me about Ophelia.

"It looks like, the man who always accompanied her, Helios has become her lover. I don't know since when they had that sort of relationship, but I saw it with my own eyes. They were in love with each other." She stated.

I felt like a fool. Clearly she was interested in me before. But after finding out about my engagement, her attitude toward me suddenly changed.

She must be disappointed, even though I tried to convince her, it was useless.

I haven't seen Ophelia for an entire year, I missed her so much.

I wondered how she was doing?

A good man wouldn't think of another woman on his engagement day, but I didn't care about being a good man. I wanted to see her again.

As I was walking toward the front door, I saw Clarice standing there in a beautiful rose gold gown.

Even though it was only an engagement party, to me it was no different from a wedding. It tied me and Clarice together.

"Cheer up a little, Nicholas. This is our engagement party, after all." Clarice no longer called me by my formal title. Instead, she called me by my first name these days.

Even though Clarice was beautiful and I knew she was in love with me, this woman was too cunning for my taste.

I didn't even want to think what kind of new systems she would implement later on if she ever become the empress.

No, I was the future emperor of the country. I would never let something bad happen during my reign.

Yes, if I would be the emperor, I could change the rules. I just had to do this engagement for now.

When both of us stepped into the altar, we exchanged the ring. Everyone was cheering for us, but no one noticed the danger that was lurking around.

All of a sudden, a knife was thrown in my direction and I quickly evaded it, but the tip grazed my cheek and caused it to bleed. Among the crowd, there was an assassin dressed as a guest.

"Lock all entrances and exits!" The emperor ordered.

"Are you okay?" Clarice rushed toward me.

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch." I replied. But just as I was about to walk, I felt a stinging pain in my head and I suddenly lost all the strength in my body.

"Oh, no, the knife must have been laced with poison!" My sister shouted, alerting everyone.

The pain was so intense, I was losing my ability to think.

"My son!" I could hear the sound of my mother shouting and rushing to my side.

"I'm going to get the physician." The head butler rushed out of the room. As everyone fell into panic and turmoil.

I collapsed to the ground and the last thing I heard was the sound of people screaming and calling my name. My breathing became heavy and before long, I lost my consciousness.

Ophelia's P.O.V

"Ah, home really is the best." I jumped to the bed and buried my face in the pillow. How I loved the familiar scent of my house and bed.

No matter how much I enjoyed spending time in the mountain or anywhere else, I was still a homebody who loved being at home more than anything.

The short vacation I took really refreshed my mind. I genuinely felt like I could conquer the world after this.

"Is this where you live? It's really cozy. I think I will enjoy my stay here." Neo stated with a smile as he took a seat at the edge of the bed.

Helios quickly rushed in and picked him up. It was easy since Neo maintained his child form and dragged him out.

"This is Lia's room and mine. You should stay in a different room." Helios said out of jealousy.

Neo stared at me as he was being dragged away but still did his best to smile. He was really adorable as a young boy. Even I found it hard to say no to him when he looked like that.

I was a bit worried since the weather would be hotter in the mountain during summer but he told me he was already prepared for it.

Though I didn't know what he meant by that, I believed he could take care of himself.

"I don't want to spend the entire day resting and doing nothing." I told myself. Helios would do the unpacking later, Neo would learn to settle in today.

I should go out and gather some winter herbs. I walked outside and the moment I stepped out, a bird flew toward my direction with a piece of letter in his legs.

Using bird to send letter all the way to the mountain must mean it's an emergency. I wondered what kind of emergency it was?

I opened up the letter and was shocked when I read the content. The crown prince had been poisoned on his engagement day?

Certainly, it was not the first time someone had attempted to assassinate him but goodness, that man just couldn't get a break.

I didn't want to face him again after what happened but his life was on the line.

As a healer, I couldn't just ignore it.

I walked inside and found Helios.

"We need to head to the palace. The crown prince had been poisoned. I need to save him." I told Helios.

"Lia, why do you still care about that man? So what if he's poisoned. He is no longer your business. You cut off ties with him, didn't you?" He was displeased by this request, but I couldn't waste any time.

"If we go there right now, I will cook dinner for you for an entire month, all your favorites." I negotiated. He snorted before he finally stood up.

"Okay, but you need to keep your promise, Lia." He replied and I nodded.

"Where are you two going?" Neo asked me.

"We will be going to the palace. There is an emergency that requires my immediate attention. If you don't mind, please look after the house while we are out." I told Neo.

"Won't you take me with you, master?" He asked with pitiful eyes.

"Don't worry, I will be back in a few days. Lock the door, I will use my magic to make the manor disappear until our return so you will be safe."

I smiled before getting on top of Helios, who had transformed into a dragon. Although He looked a bit disappointed, Neo nodded.

Before long, we headed to the palace and my heart was beating so fast the entire time.

"Please be okay, Nicholas." I murmured.

I didn't realize Helios was judging me, but he knew better than to make a ruckus during a time like this.

Jealousy can wait.

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