Surgery: SJ

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A/n: Don't you hate it when you make plans with people and they cancel to hang out with out you. Any way on to the story.


So Im waiting to go home from hospital, yes i finally had top surgery. It feels so good. Anyway im waiting for my girlfriend Scarlett to get here, she wanted to stay with me the whole time but i said no cause when i was in surgery she would be panicked so i wanted her to carry on her life go work.

Any way im sat in my room reading a book when i hear the door open. I turn my head and see Scarlet walk through the door with a big grin. I walk over and go to bring her into a hug when she moves back and shack's her head no at me. 

"Why not?" Im so confused on why she wont hug me. She looked down and took a deep breath in and then looked at me in the eyes. "I don't want it to hurt." My eyes soften at what she says  and a smile appears on my lips. I lean down and kiss her and pull her into me. She looks at me and then smiles. "It doesn't hurt." I say and give her a soft smile. 

She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door before stopping to give me a hat and sunglasses. Its little stuff like this that really get my heart jumping in joy. We make are way out side through the paparazzi when i felt something touch my chest. "Ahh" Was all i said before i felt Scarlets hand on my face looking at me wit concern. 

I shack my head no to let her know i just want to go home. She held me close to her as we walk faster to the car. Once we got in she looked at me with concern but didn't ask and just started the car. The whole way home i could feel Scarlet looking at me but i just kept my eyes closed.

 Once we got home and in the house i went straight to the sofa. I heard the door lock and the foot steps follow into the living room.  "What happened?" I knew she would want to know and that i should tell her but she'll get angary at the paparazzi and could do anything.

"Something touched my chest." i said and let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. "WHAT. They have gone to far, why didn't you tell me.." I pulled her in for a kiss and wrapped my hand around her waist so she couldn't move. She melted into the kiss and smiled when we pulled apart.

"What was that for." she asked as i rubbed up and down her sides. "Only way to shut you up." We stayed like this until my phone vibrated. I leaned over and saw that it was time to put cream on my chest. 

"Babe. would you help put the cream on." I said a bit embarrassed. I rubbed my neck while waiting for a reply. She leaned forward and kissed my lips but before it could turn into a make out she pulled away and smiled. God her smile, makes my stomach feel like its about to explode.

She got up and grabbed the cream while i took my top of and layed down on the sofa. She walked back in and eyed up my body and then smirked a bit before sitting on my lap. She undid the tape and then put the cream on her hand. Before giving me a kiss. 

And then the coldness hit. As she rubbed the cream all i could feel was the coldness on my skin not from the cream not like you would think but no her hands. God what did she do, put her hands in ice. It was so cold felt like I was going to die it was that cold. Once she was done she put the tape back and washed her hands. She came back in and went to sit in the same pension and put he hands on my shoulders but i stopped her.

She scrunched her nose up confused, God it was so cute. "I love you but your hands are so cold." I said with a serous face on. She tried to hide her laugh but couldn't i pouted and then she stopped laughing. "I'm sorry I'll warm them up." She got up and went to the kitchen and i could hear the tap running.

Shortly she came back and smiled at me before letting me see if her hands where warm enough. Once they where warm enough she say back on my lap and leaned in and gave me a kiss but before it could go any where I pulled away.

I could see she wa up set but she knows and understands why. We layed on the sofa together and put on the office while cuddling together. This is what I want for the rest of my life. Just me and her it's so peace full.

natasha /scarlett one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora