Chapter 3: Farewell

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3rd pov

Its been a hour since they've discover the truth of Rayla, now far distance from the castle of Katolis two moonshadow elves are on a tree looking at the castle from distance. Still going with their plan tonight.

Runaan: They'll be on the lookout for us now.

Moonshadow elf1: Five of us won't be enough we need all six.

Runaan: We'll be stronger as five.

The moonshadow elf looks down below where their camp is. Rayla sitting on her own while the others are maintaining their weapons. Rayla runs her fingers around her weapons blade to see if it's properly sharpened. Everyone's been as Rayla looks back at her fellow elves and they also look back at her before going back to what they were doing. She then looks at another elf sharpened his blade and decided to speak.

Rayla: Hey, could I borrow your sharpener thingie?

Moonshadow elf2: Wetstone.

Rayla: Yeah that

Moonshadow elf2: No.

He then resumes sharpening his weapon as Reyla looks back feeling depress until Runaan landed by them and walks towards to Reyla as she saw him looking disappointed.

Runaan: Come with me.

He the walks past her as she knows she made the mission more difficult. She stands up and puts her weapon on the back of her belt before following him. We now see the boys still at their rooms waiting for their little brother to open but he doesn't response.

Callum's pov

Callum: Ezran, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm sure everything's going to be fine. Come on. Later you can call me a jerkface and I'll do the crazy jerkface dance for you. It is a dance of stupidude and sorry-ness.

YN: (Scoff.) Not the first time he ever done that. Definitely won't be the last time he was embarrassed. 

FN and I look at him with a "really?" look at him while he's still leaning on the wall.

Callum: Hey I've been practicing!

YN: Alright alright. But maybe Ezran just need time of himself. By the time we're back he'll forgive you.

Callum: Okay, well I'm going to go grab some books for our trip. What about you YN?

YN: I'm gonna go see if the blacksmith can give me a belt for these. (He lifts his axes.) Along with some necessary things we need for the trip.

Callum: Sounds good. We don't have much time, so let's be back to help Ezran to pack up. (Whispers.) And get a jelly tart for him while your at it.

YN nods as I look back to Ezrans door before we both left our bedroom and going our separate ways while FN stays behind to keep an eye on Ezran if he leaves his room.

3rd POV

Back to the Moonshadow elves. Rayla and Runaan have been walking through the forest. As they're away from their camp it's been nothing but silence between them until Runaan finally spoke.

Runaan: I thought you could do it Rayla, but I was wrong.

Rayla: Your not wrong. I can do it.

Runaan: I know you've never taken before. I brought you because your talented. Maybe the fastest and strongest of any of us. But it takes more than that. There's an instinct a moment of truth and in that moment, you hesitated.

Rayla: I won't hesitate again.

Runaan: You will. I see now that your still just a child. Your heart isn't hard enough to do whatever it takes.

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