Chapter 7: Blood Thirsty

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Thanks for waiting and I hope you'll enjoy.

Rayla POV

Its been a few hours since we've left the kingdom. Everyone except me are sleeping while I'm on a look out. While I'm at it, I look to see the ribbon still tied on my left wrist. I tried to rip it off with my teeth but didn't come off. 

Rayla: Unbind yourself!...ubind...thyself. Unbindo!...

I sigh in defeat, knowing it couldn't work. Soon I notice Bait who's being use as a pillow for Ezran is just staring at me like "really?" As he grunts.

Rayla: Don't judge me. So what, I'm talking to my ribbon thing? (Chuckles.) How is that any worst then talking to a...whatever it is you are?

Bait changed his color to purple as we both stare at each other until he licked his eyes and grunted. Just then I heard someone yawning and I saw YN woke up as he stretches his arms before getting up from a tree he was resting.

YN: (Yawn and approach Rayla.) Hey Rayla. (Yawns.) Let's switch places, you should rest too.

Rayla: I'm fine, they don't call us moon shadow elves for nothing.

YN: Still, we have a long journey ahead.

Just then we both hear the sound of a bell echoes from a distance as I looks up to see the castle.

YN: Oh no...

I saw YN raise his arm and his falcon landed on it. He pointed at the castle before his falcon nods and fly's off.

Rayla: What is it.

YN: It must be the funeral.

I was saddened to know what happened during the attack in the castle.

3rd POV

At the castle bridge, Virion along with other people carrying a casket with flowers around on top of the casket while the rest carry lights behind them. They're making their way through the town where the towns people look with sad expressions on their faces.

Opeli: (Whispers.) A funeral so soon is madness. It is tradition to mourn fallen Kings for seven sunsets. You've not even given him one.

Virion: (Whispers.) I understand your concern Opeli, but in a time of war, we must move forward.

As they moved through the town, they've reach a valley with large statutes of the kings that died long ago. As they kept walking, Soren yawns from exhaustion before Claudia speak with a lower tone voice.

Claudia: Hey, keep your head up.

Soren: Ugh sorry. (Grunts and stretches.) Long night.

Claudia: (Opens a bottle.) Drink this. (Pours some in the cap.) I call it "hot brown morning potion."

Soren takes the cup looks at it before give it a little sniff and drinks it.

Soren: That's good!

he then drinks more in the cap as the they've finally reached the edge of the valley with a view of a lake. As they got near, the towns people followed and mumbled quietly as the four people who carried the casket set it down as Opeli walks up to it with a torch on her hand. The four soldiers steps away from the casket and Virion steps up in front of the alter before turn towards to the towns people.

Virion: Today we woke to a devastating truth. Our king has been taken from us. Slain by the forces by the forces of Xadia, vile Moonshadow elves.

this caused some of the towns people to gasp as the some of the children cling on to their parents or guardians who are worried.

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