Book 5, Chp 6: Beneath The Ocean

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3rd POV

It hasn't been long since their victory. Now everyone is tending the wounded elves while gathering the ones who are freed from corruption thanks to Eita magic. As for the heroes who save the Sapphireflame home, they're gather around for Eita who's sitting on her knees in front of the elder of the Sapphireflame elves who speaks for the flames.

Elder: Princess Eita of Lux Aurea. From this moment on, you have the blessing of the Eternal Flame. Though the road is long, go forth knowing that you're worthy enough to be the next queen of Lux Aurea.

The elder pinch a dust of charcoal and leaves a mark of a flame in Eita forehead with it.

Eita: Thank you.

Elder: And a warning for you two. Should the Fallen Star ever return to Xadia, be sure you trust those around you. We made that mistake once, but you won't.

Eita: I trust my friends. Including YN.

Eita stands up as YN hold her hand where they both smile.

YN: Like your new hair color.

Eita: (Smiles.) Thanks.

YN: So are you now a Sapphireflame elf?

Eita: More like both. Since I can use both sun and flame magic.

YN: How's that possible?

Eita: I guess I just embrace and let the flame bond with my sun magic. (Smiles.) Can't wait to tell aunt Janai.

Alwin: Thank you two, for saving us.

Eita: What will you do now, dad?

Alwin: There's much to do. For starters, tending the wound and help our people who are finally free from Oberon's corruption. Afterwards, I guess we should rebuild. But if you ever need help, then we'll answer, we're forever in your dept.

Eita: Thank you dad.

Eita hugs his dad.

Eita: I wish we can stay, but we have to return to our friends.

YN: Agree, I kinda miss my brothers and friends.

Alwin: I understand, you have to stop the dark mages from freeing Aaravos. Until we meet again, please take care of each other.

Mira nuzzle her nose towards Eita who's happy to see her.

Eita: Ready to go, Mira?

Mira happily purrs as Eita gets on her back as YN jump on Mira as well since he's still recovering his magic.

Eita: You're ready?

YN: Yeah. Are you?

Eita nods and Mira takes off and fly while they look back to the Sapphireflame elves who are waving their goodbyes.

YN: I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss the place.

Eita: By the time we're back, the city is probably gonna look different.

YN: Let's get going. Our friends probably miss us by now.

Eita nods and they fly beyond the ruin city. Now heading to reunite their friends who are on their way to find Aaravos prison.

Time skip, YN POV

Its been an hour of flying in the sky and I can finally fly on my own now that my magic is recovered. I'm not gonna lie, it felt great to spread my wings, only wish FN was here to see. At least maybe I'll challenge my brother Callum to a race when we meet again.

Speaking of which, I'm not sure where exactly are they. But if I remember correctly, last time Ezran said they'll meet the Archdragon of the ocean to figure out what to do next. It may be theory but wherever they are, they're somewhere at the ocean to find Aaravos prison before Claudia.

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