Book 4, Chp 7: Escape From Umber Tor

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Previously on The Dragon Prince...

Callum: He has a map!

Rex: Very clever young human.

Claudia: Yeah, you always were a very clever human, weren't you, Callum?

YN: This is for Ibis!

Claudia pull out an instrument and starts playing a music. Right when YN was close, he fell down and fall asleep.

Rayla: Don't

It was too late as everyone except Claudia fell asleep including the Archdragon Rex Igneous. Soon Claudia father, her boyfriend name Terry, and the weird creature came as well as Soren who's taken hostage by Terry's magic vines.

Terry: Wow. Powerful sleep spell, sweetie. I can't believe it even worked on the big old dragon!

Claudia: Aw...compliment later though. I don't know how long the spell is going to last, so let's find this map quickly.

Sparklepuff: Snarls!

Claudia: Sh! And quietly. No waking the dragon.

Soren tries to come up with an idea to wake them up and so he tries to shout.


Suddenly Terry wrapped vines at Soren's mouth to prevent him from shouting more before he accidentally trip.

Terry: Sorry 'bout that, little adjustment, hope its not too uncomfy.

Claudia: Don't worry about stuffing his mouth with leaves, Soren loves salad.

Soren: (Muffle.) Its good for you!

Claudia approaches to Callum who's sleeping.

Terry: He's a friend of yours?

Claudia: Not anymore.

Claudia and Terry went to look for the map while Sparlepuff hisses at the pile of treasure which Viren was confused until he stops it.

Viren: What are you doing? Sh! Quiet now as if your strange little life depends on it.

It turns out it was Zym who sparklepuff was hissing at. Zym was hiding the whole time to wait to make his move.

Soren POV

When they all left, I took this opportunity to wake someone up. Starting with Rayla who's the closest. I tried to wake her up but nothing, I'm even using my head but still nothing until I felt something biting my ankle. I look back only to see its Zym biting my foot.

Soren: (Muffled

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Soren: (Muffled.) Why are you biting me!?

Luckily Zym was biting my boot which I manage to slip my foot out. But when Zym smelled it, he immediately spit it out next to me before I accidentally sniffed my boot and I gotta say, Claudia was right about cleaning my foot.

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