Chapter 8: Snatch and Run!

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It didn't took long that we all got settled in the table while aunt Amaya and I look for food, soon I found some bread in the kitchen and meet up with them.

YN: Found some!

She takes the bread and inspects it before making hand signs.

Gren: "The food here is..."

She hits the counter with the bread and it was hard as a fossil as she looks at me.

Gren: "Weapons-grade."

YN: Oh um, I didn't have enough time to make more when you guys showed up unexpectedly. Besides, you never know it may come in handy right?

She smirks while making hand signs.

Gren: "Fair point."

She then place it on the table and stabbed the table with her knife before another hand signs.

Gren: "Dig in."

Callum takes the bread while Ezran tries to pull out the knife.

Callum: Aunt Amaya, why are you here?

Amaya: (Hand signs.)

Gren: "I received a messenger bird from the king yesterday."

She then pulls out a scroll and I notice Callum realized something as he check in his clothes.

Gren: "What's wrong?"

Callum: I just...he gave me a letter too but I must have dropped it somewhere. What'd your letter say?

She hands him the scroll as I join him to read it.

Callum: "General, the castle is under threat. Assassins have infiltrated the kingdom. Moonshadow elves."

Amaya: (Hand signs.)

Gren: "The worst kinds."

Callum: "Do not bring your forces to the castle. Your orders are to proceed immediately to the Banther Lodge. The princes will be there. Above all, see to it that my sons are safe."

This made me worried more. If she keeps an eye on us then she or her men may find Rayla before we notice it. I'll have to come up with a plan quick. While I'm in my head, I notice Ezran was struggling to cut the bread so I decided to help him.

YN: (To Amaya.) Was there anything else he mentioned? (Helps Ezran.)

Amaya: (Hand signs.)

Gren: "Yes, there's more on the back."

Callum flips the scroll to the back and read.

Callum: "PS, once their safety is assured, the boys may wish to build a dirt man." ...We do not wish to build a dirt man...

Ezran: We do not.

YN: Like I said, I'm not cleaning their clothes if they do.

Amaya: (Hand signs.)

Gren: "You're safe now boys."

I finally cut the bread in half and hands one to Ezran as we take a bite but unfortunately it was really harder than I thought.

Short time skip 3rd POV

Some of the soldiers are busy on patrol while the rest fix the door and the three of then are by the chimney. Callum and YN are sitting by the couch while ezran in on the floor playing with Bait.

Callum: (Sigh.) This is all my fault. We should have never come here.

YN: Not entirely, none of us knew aunt Amaya would be here. Though we might be stuck here for a while.

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