Chapter 13: Wonderstorm

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3rd POV

It hasn't been long before YN wake up and The group turn to Ezran who put Bait down and the egg as he speaks.

Ezran: There is no miracle healer. I'm sorry.

Callum: Stop being mysterious. If your gonna make a claim like that, you owe everyone an explanation.

Ezran: Okay. Ava told me-

Callum: Ugh, here we go!

Ezran: No, it's true! I can understand animals.

Eita: You can?

Ezran: Yes, they can also understand me too.

Callum: Well, did you ask Bait? He might disagree.

Bait: Croaks.

Callum: Or maybe we can find an opinionated squirrel around here somewhere.

YN: Hold on Callum, this been happening to him a lot of times.

Callum: And you believe him?

YN: At this point, a lot of things happened, so I do.

Callum: Well I for one do not.

Ezran: I knew you wouldn't listen to me.

Callum sighs while Rayla comforts Ezran

Rayla: Ezran, I'm listening to you. But it is pretty hard to believe.

Ezran: I've always been different. It's hard for me to make friends with other kids. I just feel like, I don't fit in.

YN: Yeah, its probably that big hair you got.- ow!

Eita smacks his head to shut him up.

Rayla: That's okay, fitting in is boring anyway.

Eita: So true. Besides, they probably don't understand you well.

Ezran: But with animals? Somehow, I have this connection. (Petting Bait's head.)

Bait: Croaks.

Ezran: And a few years ago, I realized I could understand what they were saying.

Callum: Can you believe this?

YN punch him in the arm.

Callum: Ow!

Rayla: Why would he lie?

Callum: Because he's a kid? because it's fun? Because he's afraid to go up the mountain?

Eita: Callum, he's your brother. You could at least try to believe him. Even after everything you guys been through before I join.

Ezran: She's right Callum! I'm not afraid!

Callum: Come on, Ez, tell the truth. The first time he did this, I asked him to prove it, so Ezran said that a group of raccoons had told him "there was treasure hidden behind a waterfall." But when went through the waterfall, did I find a treasure?

Ezran: No...

Callum: But did my underwear get soaked?

Ezran: Yes.

Callum: Case closed.

Y/n: (Face palm.) Callum that was a long time ago.

Ezran: The raccoons were being mischievous. I have since learned, you cannot trust raccoons.

Callum: This is ridiculous! See, this is why you can't make friends.

Rayla: Callum! Back off.

Eita: Ezran just made a mistake.

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