Book 4, Chp 6: Rex Igneous

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Callum: I need you to kill me.

Rayla: What!?

Callum: I need you to kill me. (Stammer.) I mean, not now! But if bad things happen, I need you to kill me. Back at the Storm Spire, when Aaravos possessed me, I felt so weak and out of control. I was his puppet.

  I'm not afraid that he'll hurt me, I'm afraid that he'll use me to do awful things or hurt people I care about. So that's why all I'm asking is that if he takes control of me again, you have to kill me. I need you to promise.

Rayla stands up face to face at Callum and she slowly raise her hand but she immediately grabs his nose and pulls.

Callum: Ow! Why are you honking my nose!?

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Callum: Ow! Why are you honking my nose!?

Rayla: (Let go.) I couldn't think of a better response to your stupid request! I'm not going to kill you. Callum, you're the "Destiny is a Book You Write Yourself" guy. No one can control you or make your choices for you.

Callum stands by the edge before speaking.

Callum: I'm afraid, Rayla. What if I'm on a path of darkness?

Rayla: (Scoff.) Then take a different path, dummy!

Callum POV

Rayla walks back to the Breeze-dome while I'm still standing by the edge.

Callum: (Deep breath.) I have to do this.

I pull out the rune cube hold it out to drop it to the lava.

Callum: (To self

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Callum: (To self.) Do it, Callum! Its the key of Aaravos. No good will come to it.

Part of me wanted to drop it to the lava, but the rest wanted me to keep it. I didn't have the strength to do it. I don't even know if its important or not until I hear a familiar voice.

???: You're mind is clouded brother.

I look and see YN is sitting by the edge while looking at the lava.

Callum: What?

YN: You've been thinking too much about Aaravos possessing you.

Callum: YN, you know how dangerous and powerful he was when he possessed me.

The Dragon Prince//Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now