Chapter 10: Through The Ice Reveals The Truth

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Rayla POV

We sleep for tonight at a large tree, Ezran & Callum sleeping under the roots with Bait, YN sleeping by the rock while FN is on top of the rock, and I'm sleeping on the tree. My left wrist is still painful by the ribbon until I suddenly heard something deep in the woods. Whoever it was, they might be following us, so I went and look to see while the others are sleeping. As I head deeper in the woods, I found a broken stick and judging by it, someone must've been here. Suddenly I heard something in the bush and I grab my weapons before something came out of the bush but it was a young dear.

Rayla: (Sigh in relief.) You scared me, you wee cutie.

I pat her head and she licks my hand to lick away the pain.

Rayla: (Smiles.) Thanks little one. But my hand's got a problem you can't lick away.

Just then I notice she saw something before she back away in fear which gave me confused.

Rayla: What's the matter?

She was looking up and immediately runs away. I look behind me and saw a net thrown from above, I was too late to avoid it but I try to free myself until somebody appears with a chain weapon.

Corvus: (Smirk.) Never trapped an elf before. (Swinging his weapon.) Easier than I thought.

Before he could even hit me with his chains, I manage to escape from the net trap and grab my weapons. I charge at him with my weapons and we both clash.

Ezran POV

I got of from waking up and stretched my arms while others are still sleeping. I look around and realize that Rayla isn't here. I go and wake up YN and he started to wake up.

YN: Huh? Oh its you Ez. (Yawns.)

Ezran: YN, something's wrong. Rayla's not here!

YN: What?

He gets up and looks around while I went to wake up Callum.

Ezran: Callum? I think we're alone.

Callum: (Sleep talking.) Finally...oh I've been waiting for this moment.

Ezran: Callum?

YN: I got this, just give me a second.

YN walks away and looks for something on the ground.

Callum: Mmm. Your breath still smells like peanut butter....

Ezran: Callum!

Callum: Shh... I love the smell...

YN: Ez, step aside. Oh Bait, look what I got.

I saw YN has Bait favorite bug food and he place it on Callums ear. Bait suddenly use his tongue to catch it and it causes Callum to wake up.

Callum: Ah! I'm awake! What?

I try to hold back from laughing but I almost forgot something important.

Ezran: Wake up! Rayla's missing!

Callum: (Sit up.) Oh no did she take it!?

Ezran: (Grabs the egg.) The egg's still right here.

Callum: (Sigh in relief.) OK good.

YN: Maybe she went to look for food.

Callum: Maybe. But you know, that still doesn't mean we can trust her.

Ezran: But I like her, Callum.

Callum: Hey, I like her too. But the thing is she's-

Ezran: An elf? Who cares? It seems maybe everything we've ever heard about elves are wrong.

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