Book 5, Chp 5: Heart Meets The Soul

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Eita POV

I couldn't believe it, the stories my mother told me are true. The Sapphireflame elves actually exist. But why were they hidden here at the ruins this whole time? My thoughts were interrupted as we enter at the abandoned house.

Salera: Come in, we'll be safe this way. Daron, if you may?

Daron nods and he place his hands on the ground before casting a spell which the blue flames made a open that leads underground tunnel. Salera enter first before the rest of us did as Daron came last before sealing the ground to cover our tracks. It was dark at first but Mira uses her tails to light the path before we go deeper to the tunnel.

Salera: We haven't had any outsiders visited at the city for a while until you three arrive.

Eita: Probably because of that giant ice spider who's guarding the entrance.

Salera: So I've heard. I take it you two took it down, right?

YN: Well, she did most of it. I was tied by its webs.

Salera: Gotta thank you for dealing it.

YN: So what happened here? I know it was dark magic but I think there's more to it.

Daron: You'll get your answers, but first we have to meet up with the others.

Eita: There's more of you?

Salera: Yes, we've been surviving together ever since those frozen elves existed. We're almost there.

They've reached for the doors and entered. It was dark as they got in, but the moment Salera raise her hand to stop them, both Salera and Daron disappear to the dark as it confused the three until the light filled the room. Revealing the survivors of the Sapphireflame elves, some are pointing their arrows at them while the rest have their blades weapon ready.

YN: Why am I not surprise?

Eita: At this point we should stop running into trouble.

YN: Did we ever avoid any trouble?

Eita: Good point.

Salera: We have some questions.

Eita: If you are thinking that we're working with those frozen folks, we're not.

???: We're not talking about them, we're talking about you.

An old man elf pass through the guards and the couples see him with the sword out. The chief of the Sapphireflame elves name Alwin.

Alwin: I am Alwin, and I lead what remains of the our kind

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Alwin: I am Alwin, and I lead what remains of the our kind. Who are you and how did you get here?

They didn't say answer him as he hold his sword.

Alwin: No outsiders know how to get here, only someone from here gave you the direction. So I'll ask again, who are you and how did you get here?

Alwin says as he approaches them until YN steps in front of Eita and stops him with his hatchet pointing at Alwin chest which made the archers ready their arrows. Fortunately Eita stops him and lower his weapon to avoid unnecessary violence before speaking.

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