Book 2, Chp 7: To The Border And Death

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Rayla POV

Its been hours since Ezran left for his kingdom. Zym was sad that he left but he know that they both will keep their promise. Now we're close to cross the border.

Rayla: This canyon leads to the moonstone path.

Callum: I can't believe we're almost to Xadia.

Eita: (Sigh in relief.) Finally, close to home sweet home.

Callum: We came this far and...Ez isn't with us.

YN: I missed him too, Callum. But returning to kingdom of Katolis is necessary for him.

Rayla: He's right, we can't think about that now. He's doing the right thing, and so are we.

I notice FN sensed something and he immediately fly's off.

YN: FN, come back!

Callum: What is it this time?

YN: He just flew off. Why?

Rayla: Probably because of the heat and lava.

Callum: Right- wait what?

Elsewhere, 3rd POV

FN kept flying until he landed on a arm who's unknown.

???: Greetings friend, I'm glad you and  your friend made it this far. But I have a important task for you. Hmm?

FN: Screeches.

???: I see. Then when the time is right, see to their safety travels.

Back with the group, they've reach to a large river of lava 

Back with the group, they've reach to a large river of lava 

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YN: The air is pretty hot, I'm starting to see why now.

Callum: One simply walks into Xadia, huh?

Eita: (Smiles.) Ah, finally. (Stretches her arm.) Now I can take a hot bath.

YN: Wait, sunfire elves bathe in lavas?

Eita: Pfft. (Laughs.) No, you should've seen your face.

Callum: Hey, we're close to Xadia, guys. Let's just get going.

Callum was about to step on a floating rock but Rayla immediately stops him.

Rayla: Hold on! There's sort of trick to it.

Rayla tosses a rock towards the floating ones and it immediately sunk.

YN: Okay, (Grabs his axe.) I'll see you guys at the other side.

YN was about to throw his axe but Rayla stops him.

Rayla: Even if you can throw farther, you might hit a wrong rock and you and your weapon will be toasted.

YN: So now what?

Rayla: Well, not all the rock sinks that quickly. A few will let us stand on them long enough to walk across. Those special stones are called moonstone path.

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