Axtapor - 17 Evening Star, 1244 A.D.

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I stepped down from the carriage and walked up the drive to my grandmother's house. We were docked on Empire shores for the next two weeks; apparently, Captain Phaxix had some business with the House of War, and normally that amount of docked time would be offputting, but since our vessel was crewed entirely by Lizardfolk men, it was a welcome chance to return home. And for those of us in good standing, it also meant being able to handle any neglected duties or business. As such, I decided to return home to visit my family. Though I had the feeling I might come to regret that decision once I returned to see my parents.

My brothers Vuza and Etheph had just welcomed their first clutch of children each, and my other brother Utraik was due to be married in a month's time. The season was about to begin, too, and my sisters Egra and Ulsei would be back on the marriage market to search for their husbands. No doubt, the question about when I would marry would rear its head, and the pestering would begin. I sighed. The thought was exhausting to entertain, but for now, I had the pleasure of looking forward to more agreeable company.

We usually exchanged letters to stay in touch, but that was no substitute for seeing one another in person, and it had been some years since my grandmother had seen me. The great Lady Fisla Vorma Oxlo of Ihama and Rhanta, as she was known to most, enjoyed the good reputation of her peers and was praised for having a firm hand in the achievements of her sons. She, however, hated having anything to do with that. That was entirely the handiwork of my late grandfather, her husband, and she despised him. Though her detest of said man had to be well concealed for the sake of the clan, but with me, she had always been candid about her dislike of him.

"Your grandson Lord Axtapor to see you, my lady." Her servant said as he bowed in the doorway.

I brushed past him and saw her smile widely at me as she got on her feet.

"Oh, my little hatchling, look at you!" She exclaimed happily as I put my arms around her.

Her scent was comforting; somehow, she always smelled warm, and her embrace was tender and loving as it had always been.

"Grandmother, it be lovely to see ye." I said, burying my head into her shoulder with a smile.

She laughed happily. "My, but you are not so little anymore! Let me see."

She parted from me and held my hands in hers as she observed me. I had tried to dress nicely, but there was no mistaking me for what I was: a pirate. I only hoped she was not disappointed. I never outright told her what I did, only that I traveled on a ship. Though I suppose it didn't take much imagination to guess as I was clearly not a part of any navy.

"So handsome, my Axtapor." She said, cupping one of my cheeks with a wrinkled hand and the warmest of smiles.

I chuckled. "Ye be too kind."

"Absolutely not! I do not flirt with false modesties. Now!" She linked her arm to one of mine and began walking slowly, "The question remains: have you come across one such woman in your travels who would appreciate your charms?"

I eyed her slyly. It seemed the pestering would begin earlier than I had anticipated. She smiled at me, clearly eager to hear my response.

"I be here in the flesh, and the only thin' ye have to ask, be if I have a lover?"

"Well, you so often regale me with tales of your travels in your letters but never about your romantic pursuits. It is only natural that I should be curious if my favorite grandson's star has yet to be discovered." She said with a smile as made our way into the gardens.

I laughed. "She has no been."

"Impossible! You are the most dashing of all of my grandchildren; there must be one woman out in that great world who has picked up on that."

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